Tew Group has started to post recent literature to their new website. You can click the link below:

Thursday, December 27, 2007

ACS Chemical Biology, Vol. 2, Iss. 12 (Dec 21, 2007)

Valery V. Fokin

Sandro F. Ataide, Sharnise N. Wilson, Sandy Dang, Theresa E. Rogers, Bappaditya Roy, Rajat Banerjee, Tina M. Henkin, and Michael Ibba

Chem Rev. Vol. 107, No. 12, (Dec 2007)

Asymmetric Catalysis Mediated by Synthetic Peptides
Elizabeth A. Colby Davie, Steven M. Mennen, Yingju Xu, and Scott J. Miller
pp 5759 - 5812

Organocatalytic Ring-Opening Polymerization
Nahrain E. Kamber, Wonhee Jeong, Robert M. Waymouth, Russell C. Pratt, Bas G. G. Lohmeijer, and James L. Hedrick
pp 5813 - 5840

JACS Vol. 129, No. 49, (Dec 12, 2007)

Polymer-Caged Lipsomes: A pH-Responsive Delivery System with High Stability
Sang-Min Lee, Haimei Chen, Christine M. Dettmer, Thomas V. O'Halloran, and SonBinh T. Nguyen
pp 15096 - 1509

Considerations of Macromolecular Structure in the Design of Proton Conducting Polymer Membranes: Graft versus Diblock Polyelectrolytes
Emily M. W. Tsang, Zhaobin Zhang, Zhiqing Shi, Tatyana Soboleva, and Steven Holdcroft
pp 15106 - 15107

Site-Directed Conjugation of "Clicked" Glycopolymers To Form Glycoprotein Mimics: Binding to Mammalian Lectin and Induction of Immunological Function
Jin Geng, Giuseppe Mantovani, Lei Tao, Julien Nicolas, Gaojian Chen, Russell Wallis, Daniel A. Mitchell, Benjamin R. G. Johnson, Stephen D. Evans, and David M. Haddleton
pp 15156 - 15163

JACS Vol. 129, No. 48, (Dec 5, 2007)

Protonation States of Buried Histidine Residues in Human Deoxyhemoglobin Revealed by Neutron Crystallography
Toshiyuki Chatake, Naoya Shibayama, Sam-Yong Park, Kazuo Kurihara, Taro Tamada, Ichiro Tanaka, Nobuo Niimura, Ryota Kuroki, and Yukio Morimoto
pp 14840 - 14841

Misfolding of Amyloidogenic Proteins at Membrane Surfaces: The Impact of Macromolecular Crowding
Marcus Bokvist and Gerhard Gröbner
pp 14848 - 14849

Total Synthesis and Antibacterial Properties of Carbaplatensimycin
K. C. Nicolaou, Yefeng Tang, Jianhua Wang, Antonia F. Stepan, Ang Li, and Ana Montero
pp 14850 - 14851

Anticancer and Antimicrobial Metallopharmaceutical Agents Based on Palladium, Gold, and Silver N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes
Sriparna Ray, Renu Mohan, Jay K. Singh, Manoja K. Samantaray, Mobin M. Shaikh, Dulal Panda, and Prasenjit Ghosh
pp 15042 - 15053

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Biomaterials, Volume 29, Issue 6, Pages 625-770 (February 2008)

The use of biodegradable scaffold as an alternative to silicone implant arthroplasty for small joint reconstruction: An experimental study in minipigs
Pages 683-691
Eero Waris, Nureddin Ashammakhi, Mauri Lehtimäki, Riitta-Mari Tulamo, Minna Kellomäki, Pertti Törmälä and Yrjö T. Konttinen

Luminescence functionalization of mesoporous silica with different morphologies and applications as drug delivery systems
Pages 692-702
Piaoping Yang, Zewei Quan, Lanlan Lu, Shanshan Huang and Jun Lin

Science, Vol 318, Issue 5856, pages 1519-1648, 7 DECEMBER 2007

Chinese Science on the Move
A. I. Leshner, and V. Turekian
pg. 5856

News of the Week
ACADEMIC FREEDOM: Thai Science Agency Clamps Down on Sensitive Research
R. Stone
pg. 5856

FOR YOUNGER READERS: Science Books for Fun and Learning--Some Recommendations from 2007
H. Malcomson, S. Suter, and B. Jasny
pg. 1552-1554

Designing Superoleophobic Surfaces
A. Tuteja, W. Choi, M. Ma, J. M. Mabry, S. A. Mazzella, G. C. Rutledge, G. H. McKinley, and R. E. Cohen
pg. 1618-1622

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 3833–3837

Bioinspired Surfaces with Switchable Adhesion

Shravanthi Reddy, Eduard Arzt, and Aránzazu del Campo*

ChemPhysChem, 2007, Volume 8 Issue 16 , 2367-2372

Embedding Magnetic Nanoparticles into Polysaccharide-Based Hydrogels for
Magnetically Assisted Bioseparation

Yuan-Yuan Liang, Li-Ming Zhang,* Wei Jiang, and Wei Li
University, Guangzhou, China

Macromolecules 2007, 40, 9084-9093

Codendronized Polymers: Wormlike Molecular Objects with a
Segmented Structure

Xingquan Xiong and Yongming Chen
Shu Feng and Wei Wang

ChemPhysChem, 2007, Volume 8 Issue 16 , Pages 2290 - 2307

Interrogation of Single Synthetic Polymer Chains and Polysaccharides by AFM-Based Force Spectroscopy
Marina I. Giannotti, G. Julius Vancso,
University of Twente, Netherlands

Macromolecules 2007, 40, 8855-8860

Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Magnesium Ketiminate
Complexes: Efficient Initiators for the Ring-Opening Polymerization
of L-Lactide

Hui-Yi Tang, Hsuan-Ying Chen, Jui-Hsien Huang, and Chu-Chieh Lin

Macromolecules 2007, 40, 8830-8832

Solvent-Promoted Self-Healing Epoxy Materials

Mary M. Caruso, David A. Delafuente, Victor Ho,
Nancy R. Sottos, Jeffrey S. Moore and
Scott R. White

Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 2007, 111(48), 13491 - 13498

X-ray Absorption Microscopy of Bacterial Surface Protein Layers: X-ray Damage
Andreas Kade, Denis V. Vyalikh, Steffen Danzenbächer, Kurt Kummer, Anja Blüher, Michael Mertig, Alessandra Lanzara, Andreas Scholl, Andrew Doran, and Serguei L. Molodtsov

Institute of Solid State Physics, Dresden UniVersity of Technology, D-01062 Dresden, Germany,
BioNanotechnology and Structure Formation Group, Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials, Dresden

Monday, December 3, 2007

Biochemistry 2007, 46, 13856-13863

Role of Helix Nucleation in the Kinetics of Binding of Mastoparan X to Phospholipid Bilayers
Jia Tang, Rachel S. Signarvic, William F. DeGrado, and Feng Gai

Cautionary tale from Angew. Chemie

1,7-Diaza[12]annulene Derivatives? 100-Year-Old Pyridinium Salts!
Manfred Christl, Prof. Dr. *

I hate to take someone else's journal, but this is a smackdown of Wagnerian proportions.

Acc. Chem. Res. 2007, 40, 1122–1129

Amino Acid Ionic Liquids

The preparation of ionic liquids derived from amino acids, and their properties, are outlined. Since amino acids have both a carboxylic acid residue and an amino group in a single molecule, they can be used as either anions or cations. These groups are also useful in their ability to introduce functional group(s). Twenty different natural amino acids were used as anions, to couple with the 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium cation. The salts obtained were all liquid at room temperature. The properties of the resulting ionic liquids (AAILs) depend on the side groups of the amino acids involved. These AAILs, composed of an amino acid with some functional groups such as a hydrogen bonding group, a charged group, or an aromatic ring, had an increased glass transition (or melting) temperature and/or higher viscosity as a result of additional interactions among the ions. Viscosity is reduced and the decomposition temperature of imidazolium-type salts is improved by using the tetrabutylphosphonium cation. The chirality of AAILs was maintained even upon heating to 150 °C after acetylation of the free amino group. The amino group was also modified to introduce a strong acid group so as to form hydrophobic and chiral ionic liquids. Unique phase behavior of the resulting hydrophobic ionic liquids and water mixture is found; the mixture is clearly phase separated at room temperature, but the solubility of water in this IL increases upon cooling, to give a homogeneous solution. This phase change is reversible, and separation occurs again by raising the temperature a few degrees. It is extraordinary for an IL/water mixture to display such behavior with a lower critical solution temperature. Some likely applications are proposed for these amino acid derived ionic liquids.

Chem. Commun., 2007, 4602 - 4604.

One-step synthesis of monodisperse water-soluble dual-responsive magnetic nanoparticles
Ian Robinson, Cameron Alexander, Le T. Lu, Le D. Tung, David G. Fernig and Nguyen T. K. Thanh

Nature Chemical Biology 3, 761-762 (2007) doi:10.1038/nchembio.2007.47

Enzymatic catalysis on conducting graphite particles

Kylie A Vincent1, Xiang Li1, Christopher F Blanford1, Natalie A Belsey1, Joel H Weiner2 and Fraser A Armstrong1

A new concept for enzyme-catalyzed redox transformations features pairs of electron donor and acceptor enzymes attached to conducting particles. Electrons furnished by oxidation at one enzyme are used at the other. Graphite microparticles modified with hydrogenase and nitrate reductase or fumarate reductase catalyze reductions of nitrate or fumarate (1) by H2.

Nature Chemical Biology 3, 785-794 (2007) doi:10.1038/nchembio.2007.46

Catalytic generation of N2O3 by the concerted nitrite reductase and anhydrase activity of hemoglobin

Swati Basu, Rozalina Grubina, Jinming Huang, Jeanet Conradie, Zhi Huang, Anne Jeffers, Alice Jiang, Xiaojun He, Ivan Azarov, Ryan Seibert, Atul Mehta, RakeshPatel, Stephen Bruce King, Neil Hogg, Abhik Ghosh, Mark T Gladwin, and Daniel B Kim-Shapiro

Nano Letters, Vol. 7, Iss. 11, November 2007.

Houjin Huang, Erik Pierstorff, Eiji Osawa, and Dean Ho. pp 3305 - 3314.

K. Jensen, J. Weldon, H. Garcia, and A. Zettl. pp 3508 - 3511.

Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, Vol. 45, Iss. 24, Dec-2007

Novel double hydrophilic block copolymers based on poly(p-hydroxystyrene) derivatives and poly(ethylene oxide)
Grigoris Mountrichas, Stergios Pispas
pp 5790-5799

Biomacromolecules, Vol. 8, Iss. 11, Nov-2007

New Ground for Organic Catalysis: A Ring-Opening Polymerization Approach to Hydrogels
Fredrik Nederberg, Vivian Trang, Russell C. Pratt, Andrew F. Mason, Curtis W. Frank, Robert M. Waymouth, and James L. Hedrick
pp 3294 - 3297

Steric Stabilization of Lipid/Polymer Particle Assemblies by Poly(ethylene glycol)-Lipids
Julie Thevenot, Anne-Lise Troutier, Laurent David, Thierry Delair, and Catherine Ladavière
pp 3651 - 3660

Shape Memory Behavior of Novel (L-Lactide-Glycolide-Trimethylene Carbonate) Terpolymers
Elisa Zini, Mariastella Scandola, Piotr Dobrzynski, Janusz Kasperczyk, and Maciej Bero
pp 3661 - 3667

organic letters, 2007, 9, 5039

Cu(II)-Selective Green Fluorescence of a Rhodamine-Diacetic Acid Conjugate

Xuan Zhang, Yasuhiro Shiraishi,* and Takayuki Hirai

ChemBioChem 2007, 8, 2063 – 2065

Tuning the Membrane Selectivity of Antimicrobial Peptides by Using
Multivalent Design

Zhigang Liu,[a] Anne W. Young,[a] Po Hu,[a]
Amanda J. Rice,[b] Chunhui Zhou,[a] Yingkai Zhang,[a]
and Neville R. Kallenbach*[a]

PNAS Nov 2007 Vol 104 No 48

Combined kinetic and thermodynamic analysis of α-helical membrane protein unfolding

Paul Curnow and Paula J. Booth

They're doing these measurements in a micelle system, which is cool I think.

PNAS Nov 27, 2007 Vol 104 No 48

Effect of flexibility and cis residues in single-moleculeFRET studies of polyproline

Robert B. Best, Kusai A. Merchant, Irina V. Gopich, Benjamin Schuler, Ad Bax, and William A. Eaton

J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 4508 - 4520

Development and characterization of porous membranes with ‘‘sandwichlike’’
structure based on biocompatible, immiscible polymer blends

Vincenzo Lanzetta,a Paola Laurienzo,*b Giovanni Maglio,a Mario Malinconico,b Pellegrino Mustob and Immacolata Schiattarellaa

. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 4471 - 4476

Polymer microcapsules as mobile local pH-sensors

Oliver Kreft, Almudena Munoz Javier, Gleb B. Sukhorukovac and Wolfgang J. Parak

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2007, 51(12), p4518-4520.

RNAIII-Inhibiting Peptide Affects Biofilm Formation in a Rat Model of Staphylococcal Ureteral Stent Infection

Oscar Cirioni, Roberto Ghiselli, Daniele Minardi, Fiorenza Orlando, Federico Mocchegiani, Carmela Silvestri, Giovanni Muzzonigro, Vittorio Saba, Giorgio Scalise, Naomi Balaban, and Andrea Giacometti

J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 4558 - 4562

Assembly of spherical micelles in 2D physical confinements and their replication into mesoporous silica nanorods

Arne Thomas,a Martin Schierhorn,b Yiying Wuc and Galen Stucky

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2007, 51(12), p. 4217-4224.

Outbreaks Associated with Contaminated Antiseptics and Disinfectants

David J. Weber, William A. Rutala, and Emily E. Sickbert-Bennett

J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 4864 - 4871

Water uptake of hydrophilic polymers determined by a thermal gravimetric analyzer with a controlled humidity chamber

Hanneke M. L. Thijs,a C. Remzi Becer,a Carlos Guerrero-Sanchez,a David Fournier,a Richard Hoogenbooma and Ulrich S. Schubert*ab

Organic letters, 2007, 9, 4729

Multisignaling Optical-Electrochemical Sensor for Hg2+ Based on a Rhodamine Derivative with a Ferrocene Unit
Hong Yang, Zhiguo Zhou, Kewei Huang, Mengxiao Yu, Fuyou Li,* Tao Yi, and
Chunhui Huang*

Friday, November 30, 2007

Science, Vol 318, Issue 5854, Pages 1213-1318

Shape and Temperature Memory of Nanocomposites with Broadened Glass Transition
Pierre Miaudet, Alain Derré, Maryse Maugey, Cécile Zakri, Patrick M. Piccione, Rabi Inoubli, and Philippe Poulin
pg. 1294-1296

Biomaterials, Volume 29, Issue 3-5, Pages 257-624 (January-February 2008)

The rheological properties of silated hydroxypropylmethylcellulose tissue engineering matrices
Pages 533-543
Ahmed Fatimi, Jean François Tassin, Sophie Quillard, Monique A.V. Axelos and Pierre Weiss

Strong biofilm production, antibiotic multi-resistance and high gelE expression in epidemic clones of Enterococcus faecalis from orthopaedic implant infections
Pages 580-586
Carla Renata Arciola, Lucilla Baldassarri, Davide Campoccia, Roberta Creti, Valter Pirini, Johannes Huebner and Lucio Montanaro

An injectable cross-linked scaffold for nucleus pulposus regeneration
Pages 438-447
Damien O. Halloran, Sibylle Grad, Martin Stoddart, Peter Dockery, Mauro Alini and Abhay S. Pandit

Biotinylated thermoresponsive micelle self-assembled from double-hydrophilic block copolymer for drug delivery and tumor target
Pages 497-505
Cheng Cheng, Hua Wei, Bao-Xian Shi, Han Cheng, Cao Li, Zhong-Wei Gu, Si-Xue Cheng, Xian-Zheng Zhang and Ren-Xi Zhuo

A thermoreversible hydrogel as a biosynthetic bandage for corneal wound repair
Pages 272-281
Chayanin Pratoomsoot, Hidetoshi Tanioka, Kuniko Hori, Satoshi Kawasaki, Shigeru Kinoshita, Patrick J. Tighe, Harminder Dua, Kevin M. Shakesheff and Felicity Rosamari A.J. Rose

Assessment of stem cell/biomaterial combinations for stem cell-based tissue engineering
Pages 302-313
Sabine Neuss, Christian Apel, Patricia Buttler, Bernd Denecke, Anandhan Dhanasingh, Xiaolei Ding, Dirk Grafahrend, Andreas Groger, Karsten Hemmrich, Alexander Herr, Willi Jahnen-Dechent, Svetlana Mastitskaya, Alberto Perez-Bouza, Stephanie Rosewick, Jochen Salber, Michael Wöltje and Martin Zenke

The effect of enzymatically degradable poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels on smooth muscle cell phenotype
Pages 314-326
Catharina Adelöw, Tatiana Segura, Jeffrey A. Hubbell and Peter Frey

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

ACS Chemical Biology, vol. 2, iss. 11 (Nov. 20, 2007)

pg. 715
James T. Hodgkinson, Martin Welch, and David R. Spring

JACS Vol. 129, No. 47 (Nov. 28, 2007)

Supramolecular Star Polymers. Increased Molecular Weight with Decreased Polydispersity through Self-Assembly

pp 14534 - 14535
Eric M. Todd and Steven C. Zimmerman

Tuning the Thermoresponsiveness of Weak Polyelectrolytes by pH and Light: Lower and Upper Critical-Solution Temperature of Poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate)
pp 14538 - 14539
Felix A. Plamper, Alexander Schmalz, Matthias Ballauff, and Axel H.E. Müller

Intrinsically Cell-Permeable Miniature Proteins Based on a Minimal Cationic PPII Motif
pp 14578 - 14579
Douglas S. Daniels and Alanna Schepartz

Real-Time Observation of Polyelectrolyte-Induced Binding of Charged Bilayers
pp 14619 - 14624
Yuxia Luan and Laurence Ramos

D-Periodic Collagen-Mimetic Microfibers

pp 14780 - 14787
Shyam Rele, Yuhua Song, Robert P. Apkarian, Zheng Qu, Vincent P. Conticello, and Elliot L. Chaikof

Inherent Antibacterial Activity of a Peptide-Based beta-Hairpin Hydrogel
pp 14793 - 1479

Daphne A. Salick, Juliana K. Kretsinger, Darrin J. Pochan, and Joel P. Schneider

JACS Vol. 129, No. 46 (Nov. 21, 2007)

Biomimetic Design of Reversibly Unfolding Cross-Linker to Enhance Mechanical Properties of 3D Network Polymers

pp 14110 - 14111
Aaron M. Kushner, Vahe Gabuchian, Evan G. Johnson, and Zhibin Guan

Facile RAFT Precipitation Polymerization for the Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Well-Defined, Double Hydrophilic Block Copolymers and Nanostructured Hydrogels
pp 14493 - 14499
Zesheng An, Qihui Shi, Wei Tang, Chia-Kuang Tsung, Craig J. Hawker, and Galen D. Stucky

JACS Vol. 129, No. 45, (Nov. 14, 2007)

Mechanophore-Linked Addition Polymers
pp 13808 - 13809
Stephanie L. Potisek, Douglas A. Davis, Nancy R. Sottos, Scott R. White, and Jeffrey S. Moore

Fluorescently Labeled Cellulose Nanocrystals for Bioimaging Applications
pp 13810 - 13811
Shuping Dong and Maren Roman

Self-Assembled Templates for Polypeptide Synthesis

pp 14074 - 14081
Maxim G. Ryadnov and Derek N. Woolfson

Friday, November 16, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

Biotechnology Progress (Volume: 23, 6 issues)

Makoto Yoshimoto, Miyuki Monden, Zhongwei Jiang, and Katsumi Nakao

Biotechnology Progress (Volume: 23, 6 issues)

Akiyoshi Hoshino, Noriyuki Ohnishi, Masato Yasuhara, Kenji Yamamoto, and Akihiko Kondo

ChemBioChem 2007, 8, 1850 – 1856

Tripeptides from Synthetic Amino Acids Block the Tat–TAR Association and Slow Down HIV Spread in Cell Cultures

Verena Ludwig,[a] Andreas Krebs,[a] Michaela Stoll,[b] Ursula Dietrich,[b]
Jan Ferner,[a] Harald Schwalbe,[a] Ute Scheffer,[a] Gerd D!rner,[a] and
Michael W. Gçbel*[a]

Organic Letters, 2007, 9, 4311

Convergent Synthesis of a Fully Phosphorylated GPI Anchor of the CD52 Antigen
Xiaoming Wu and Zhongwu Guo*

anoyher very complex sugar protection and deprotection

Organic Letters, 2007, 9, 4631

Helical Chirality Transmission through a p-Phenylene Fragment in a Hexa-ì5-phosphazene
Mateo Alajarı´n,* Carmen Lo´ pez-Leonardo, and Jose´ Berna

Organic Letters, 2007, 9, 4515

Selectively Chemodosimetric Detection of Hg(II) in Aqueous Media
Min Hee Lee,† Byoung-Ki Cho,† Juyoung Yoon,‡ and Jong Seung Kim*,§

A Hg2+ sensor

Organic Letters, 2007, 9, 4415

Synthesis of a Neamine Dimer Targeting the Dimerization Initiation Site of HIV-1 RNA

Anne Bodlenner,† Aure´lien Alix,† Jean-Marc Weibel,† Patrick Pale,*,† Eric Ennifar,‡
Jean-Christophe Paillart,‡ Philippe Walter,‡ Roland Marquet,‡ and
Philippe Dumas‡

This paper shows their ability to protect and deprotect the sugar

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2007, 5, 3535 - 3538

Thiourea-based molecular clips for fluorescent discrimination of isomeric dicarboxylates
Zhi-hua Lin, Li-xia Xie, Yong-gang Zhao, Chun-ying Duan and Jing-ping Qu

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2007, 5, 3577 - 3585

Design and synthesis of -helical peptides and mimetics
James Garner and Margaret M. Harding

PNIPAAM-Modified Nanoporous Colloidal Films with Positive and

Olga Schepelina and Ilya Zharov*

Langmuir, ASAP

Self-assembly of metal–polymer analogues


nature materials VOL 6, AUGUST 2007, p609

Electrochemically assisted self-assembly of

nature materials VOL 6, AUGUST 2007, p602.

Interfaces behaving well

nature materials VOL 6, AUGUST 2007, 551.

Tastes good to me

nature materials VOL 6 , AUGUST 2007, p548.

Nano Letters, Vol. 7, Iss. 10, October 2007.

Fluorescence Probes for Membrane Potentials Based on Mesoscopic Electron Transfer

Liang-shi Li, pp 2981 - 2986.

Advances in Polymer Science, Volume 220, 2007.

Synthesis of Stimuli-Responsive Polymers by Living Polymerization: Poly( N -Isopropylacrylamide) and Poly(Vinyl Ether)s

Sadahito Aoshima and Shokyoku Kanaoka, p. 169-208.

JACS Vol. 129, No. 43 (Oct 31, 2007)

Cylindrical Block Co-Micelles with Spatially Selective Functionalization by Nanoparticles
pp 12924 - 12925
Hai Wang, Wanjuan Lin, Karolina P. Fritz, Gregory D. Scholes, Mitchell A. Winnik, and Ian Manners

Programmed Thermodynamic Formation and Structure Analysis of Star-like Nanogels with Core Cross-linked by Thermally Exchangeable Dynamic Covalent Bonds
pp 13298 - 13304
Yoshifumi Amamoto, Yuji Higaki, Yasuhiro Matsuda, Hid
eyuki Otsuka, and Atsushi Takahara

A Peptide Dendrimer Enzyme Model with a Single Catalytic Site at the Core
pp 13238 - 13246
Sacha Javor, Estelle Delort, Tamis Darbre, and Jean-Louis Reymond

Macromolecules, Vol. 40, No. 22, 2007

Templating Conducting Polymers via Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers and Supramolecular

Lynne A. McCullough, Bruno Dufour, Chuanbing Tang,Rui Zhang, Tomasz Kowalewski, and
Krzysztof Matyjaszewski

Advanced Materials 2007, 19, 3171–3176

Quantifying the Performance of Protein-Resisting Surfaces at Ultra-Low Protein Coverages using Kinesin Motor Proteins as Probes

By Parag Katira, Ashutosh Agarwal, Thorsten Fischer, Hsien-Yeh Chen, Xuwei Jiang, Joerg Lahann, and Henry Hess

Nature Reviews Microbiology 2007, 5(11), p833.

In a Class of Their Own

Sheilagh Molloy

Swe, P. M. et al. ef1097 and ypkK encode enterococcin V583 and corynicin JK, members of a new family of antimicrobial proteins (bacteriocins) with modular structure from Gram-positive bacteria. Microbiology 153, 3218–3227 (2007)

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2007, 51(11), pp 4148-4156

Antimicrobial Effect of Halocidin-Derived Peptide in a Mouse Model of Listeria Infection

Woong Sik Jang, Sang-Chul Lee, Young Shin Lee, Yong Pyo Shin, Kyoung Hwa Shin, Boo Hee Sung, Byung S. Kim, Soo Han Lee, and In Hee Lee

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2007, 51(11), pp. 4125-4132

Activity of an Antimicrobial Peptide Mimetic against Planktonic and Biofilm Cultures of Oral Pathogens

Nicholas Beckloff, Danielle Laube, Tammy Castro, David Furgang, Steven Park, David Perlin, Dylan Clements, Haizhong Tang, Richard W. Scott, Gregory N. Tew, and Gill Diamond

PNAS | October 23, 2007 | vol. 104 | no. 43 | 16793-16797

Copper-free click chemistry for dynamic in vivo imaging

Jeremy M. Baskin*, Jennifer A. Prescher*, Scott T. Laughlin*, Nicholas J. Agard*, Pamela V. Chang*, Isaac A. Miller*, Anderson Lo*, Julian A. Codelli*, and Carolyn R. Bertozzi

Dynamic imaging of proteins in live cells is routinely performed by using genetically encoded reporters, an approach that cannot be extended to other classes of biomolecules such as glycans and lipids. Here, we report a Cu-free variant of click chemistry that can label these biomolecules rapidly and selectively in living systems, overcoming the intrinsic toxicity of the canonical Cu-catalyzed reaction. The critical reagent, a substituted cyclooctyne, possesses ring strain and electron-withdrawing fluorine substituents that together promote the [3 + 2] dipolar cycloaddition with azides installed metabolically into biomolecules. This Cu-free click reaction possesses comparable kinetics to the Cu-catalyzed reaction and proceeds within minutes on live cells with no apparent toxicity. With this technique, we studied the dynamics of glycan trafficking and identified a population of sialoglycoconjugates with unexpectedly rapid internalization kinetics.

Accounts of Chemical Research 2007, 40 (10), 1057–1065

A Journey in Structure-Based Drug Discovery: From Designed Peptides to Protein Surface Topomimetics as Antibiotic and Antiangiogenic Agents

Ruud P. M. Dings and Kevin H. Mayo

Most biological events are mediated through molecular interactions by proteins, and because proteins are composed of structural units like helices, β-sheets and turns, small peptides and peptidomimetics may be used to mimic their biological effects and even as therapeutic agents in the clinic. Here, we present a structure-based, scaffold-driven approach to design bioactive peptides and peptidomimetics. Initially, we designed a novel series of β-sheet-forming peptides that mimic the activities of both antibiotic bacterial membrane disrupting peptides and antiangiogenic proteins. We subsequently used structure–activity relationships to reduce the design to partial peptide mimetics and then to fully nonpeptide topomimetics. Some of these agents are currently in extensive preclinical studies for further development as drug candidates against infectious disease and cancer.

New Journal of Chemistry, 2007, 31, 1899 - 1906

Synthesis and characterisation of O-6-alkylthio- and perfluoroalkylpropanethio--cyclodextrins and their O-2-, O-3-methylated analogues

Bernard Bertino Ghera, Florent Perret, Anne Baudouin, Anthony W. Coleman and Hélène Parrot-Lopez

The synthesis of twelve alkylthio- or perfluoroalkylpropanethio--cyclodextrin derivatives and their O-2-, O-3-methylated analogues are described. The coupling reaction involves firstly the basic in situ hydrolysis of alkylperfluoropropane isothiouronium iodide or alkylisothiouronium bromide, then reaction with an -cyclodextrin modified at the C-6 position by an iodine or methylsulfonyl group. The interfacial properties of these new compounds have been determined by the studies of their mono-molecular layer at the air–water interface.

Graphical abstract image for this article  (ID: b703894a)

New Journal of Chemistry, 2007, 31, 1853 - 1873

Carbo-mers: from skeleton to function

Valérie Maraval and Remi Chauvin

Since it has been proposed in 1995, the carbo-mer definition has been mainly applied to saturated and unsaturated rings of molecular skeletons, in view of studying their (homo)-aromatic character as compared to the electronic (de)localisation prevailing in the parent molecules. More generally, even acyclic or partial ethynylogues of common molecules exert fascination because the rigid expansion (preserving local symmetry) brought by the inserted acetylenic units gave them the status of "first-level nano-objects" When the C2 insertion applies to the first shell of bonds at a given carbon or hetero-atom, the "exploded"unit can be considered a local carbo-mer of the corresponding function. The chemistry of molecules featuring a per-alkynylated atom is herein surveyed and perspectives are proposed. Some of them are "mysteriously" stable, while other remain "surprisingly" unknown in spite of their structural simplicity.

Graphical abstract image for this article  (ID: b710727g)

Friday, November 2, 2007

Biomaterials, Volume 28, Issue 34, pp.5007-5204 (December 2007)

Reconstruction of functional tissues with cell sheet engineering
Pages 5033-5043
Joseph Yang, Masayuki Yamato, Tatsuya Shimizu, Hidekazu Sekine, Kazuo Ohashi, Masato Kanzaki, Takeshi Ohki, Kohji Nishida and Teruo Okano

Smart biomaterials design for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
Pages 5068-5073
Mark E. Furth, Anthony Atala and Mark E. Van Dyke

Microengineered hydrogels for tissue engineering
Pages 5087-5092
Ali Khademhosseini and Robert Langer

A multi-functional scaffold for tissue regeneration: The need to engineer a tissue analogue
Pages 5093-5099
Filippo Causa, Paolo A. Netti and Luigi Ambrosio

Hydrogel biomaterials: A smart future?

Pages 5185-5192
Jindřich Kopeček

Biomacromolecules, Volume 8, Issue 10, Oct 2007

Hemocompatibility of Hydrophilic Antimicrobial Copolymers of Alkylated 4-Vinylpyridine
Bradley C. Allison, Bruce M. Applegate, and Jeffrey P. Youngbloodpp
pp 2995 - 2999

Fabrication of Multiresponsive Shell Cross-Linked Micelles Possessing pH-Controllable Core Swellability and Thermo-Tunable Corona Permeability
Xiaoze Jiang, Zhishen Ge, Jian Xu, Hao Liu, and Shiyong Liupp
pp 3184 - 3192

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Progress in Polymer Science, Volume 32, Issue 10-11, Pages 1135-1392 (November 2007)

Spherical polyelectrolyte brushes
Pages 1135-1151
M. Ballauff

Directing the self-assembly of block copolymers
Pages 1152-1204
S.B. Darling
Smart polymers: Physical forms and bioengineering applications

Pages 1205-1237
Ashok Kumar, Akshay Srivastava, Igor Yu Galaev and Bo Mattiasson

Thermosensitive water-soluble copolymers with doubly responsive reversibly interacting entities
Pages 1275-1343
Ivaylo Dimitrov, Barbara Trzebicka, Axel H.E. Müller, Andrzej Dworak and Christo B. Tsvetanov

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Volume 28, Issue 21

Polyimide/Diamond Nanocomposites: Microstructure and Indentation Behavior (p 2069-2073)
Qingxin Zhang, Kimiyoshi Naito, Yoshihisa Tanaka, Yutaka Kagawa

Tandem RAFT Polymerization and Click Chemistry: An Efficient Approach to Surface Modification (p 2084-2089)
Rajesh Ranjan, William J. Brittain

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Volume 46, Issue 43

Cross-Linked Glycerol Dendrimers and Hyperbranched Polymers as Ionophoric, Organic Nanoparticles Soluble in Water and Organic Solvents (p 8164-8167)
Steven C. Zimmerman, Jordan R. Quinn, Ewelina Burakowska, Rainer Haag

Materials by Ring-closing metathesis (for a change... :-))

Live-Cell-Permeable Poly(p-phenylene ethynylene) (p 8223-8225)
Joong Ho Moon, William McDaniel, Paul MacLean, Lawrence F. Hancock

For Morris and Jing

Free Energy Profile of H-ras Membrane Anchor upon Membrane Insertion (p 8234-8237)
Alemayehu A. Gorfe, Arneh Babakhani, J. Andrew McCammon

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Volume 46, Issues 40-42

Nothing cool in issues 40 and 41...

Making Ultrasensitive Weighing Biocompatible by Placing the Sample within a Resonant Cantilever (p 7926-7929)
Philip Tinnefeld

AFM and related techniques can do more than just images.

From Amino Acids to Heteroaromatics - Thiopeptide Antibiotics, Nature's Heterocyclic Peptides (p 7930-7954)
Rachael A. Hughes, Christopher J. Moody

General Interest

Fast Multiresponsive Micellar Gels from a Smart ABC Triblock Copolymer (p 7988-7992)
Nicolas Willet, Jean-François Gohy, Liangcai Lei, Martine Heinrich, Loïc Auvray, Sunil Varshney, Robert Jérôme, Bernard Leyh

More Gel stuff

Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Volume 28, Issue 20

There is surprisingly a lot of good stuff in the entire issue:

Natural and Synthetic Polyampholytes, 1: Theory and Basic Structures (p 1953-1968)
A. Ciferri, S. Kudaibergenov


Natural and Synthetic Polyampholytes, 2: Functions and Applications (p 1969-1986)
Sarkyt E. Kudaibergenov, Alberto Ciferri

This might be interesting for Semra & Co.

Easy One-Pot Synthesis of a Reactive Hydrogel from Commercially Available 2-Isocyanatoethyl Methacrylate and K2S2O5 (p 2007-2011)
Julien Barruet, Christine Gaillet, Jacques Penelle

For the hydrogel people.

Surface-Functionalized, Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization-Derived Monoliths for Anion-Exchange Chromatography (p 2029-2032)
Karoline Eder, Christian G. Huber, Michael R. Buchmeiser

Attention ROMP-Materials people.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

New Journal of Chemistry

Facile synthesis and electrochemical properties of two trinuclear ruthenium complexes based on star-shaped terpyridine derivatives

Cédric R. Mayer, Frédéric Dumur, Fabien Miomandre, Eddy Dumas, Thomas Devic, Céline Fosse and Francis Sécheresse

Friday, October 26, 2007


Mutational Analysis of the Purine Riboswitch Aptamer Domain
Sunny D. Gilbert, Crystal E. Love, Andrea L. Edwards, and Robert T. Batey

Monday, October 22, 2007

Science, Vol 318, Issue 5849, Pages 341-516, 19 October 2007

Mussel-Inspired Surface Chemistry for Multifunctional Coatings
Haeshin Lee, Shara M. Dellatore, William M. Miller, and Phillip B. Messersmith
pg. 426-430

Structure of a Thiol Monolayer-Protected Gold Nanoparticle at 1.1 Å Resolution
Pablo D. Jadzinsky, Guillermo Calero, Christopher J. Ackerson, David A. Bushnell, and Roger D. Kornberg
pg. 430-433

Sunday, October 21, 2007

JACS Vol. 129, No. 42 (Oct 24, 2007)

Hyperbranched Macromolecules via Olefin Metathesis

pp 12672 - 12673 (SI)
Irina A. Gorodetskaya, Tae-Lim Choi, and Robert H. Grubbs

Thermally Cross-Linked Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Application as a Dual Imaging Probe for Cancer in Vivo
pp 12739 - 12745 (SI)
Haerim Lee, Mi Kyung Yu, Sangjin Park, Sungmin Moon, Jung Jun Min, Yong Yeon Jeong, Hae-Won Kang, and Sangyong Jon

Non-carbohydrate Inhibitors of the Lectin DC-SIGN
pp 12780 - 12785
M. Jack Borrok and Laura L. Kiessling

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Science, Vol 318, Issue 5848, Pages 153-340, 12 October 2007

MATERIALS SCIENCE: Biomimetic Solutions to Sticky Problems
W. Jon. P. Barnes
Pg. 203-204

James P. Sethn
pg. 207-208

Paul Calvert
pg. 208-209

Polymers with Cavities Tuned for Fast Selective Transport of Small Molecules and Ions
Ho Bum Park, Chul Ho Jung, Young Moo Lee, Anita J. Hill, Steven J. Pas, Stephen T. Mudie, Elizabeth Van Wagner, Benny D. Freeman, and David J. Cookson
pg. 254-258

Microfluidic Adhesion Induced by Subsurface Microstructures
Abhijit Majumder, Animangsu Ghatak, and Ashutosh Sharma
pg. 258-261

Thursday, October 11, 2007

JACS Vol. 129, No. 41 (October 17, 2007)

A Facile Thermolysis Route to Monodisperse Ferrite Nanocrystals
pp 12374 - 12375 (SI)
Ningzhong Bao, Liming Shen, Yuhsiang Wang, Prahallad Padhan, and Arunava Gupta

Self-Assembly of Multidomain Peptides: Balancing Molecular Frustration Controls Conformation and Nanostructure
pp 12468 - 12472 (SI)
He Dong, Sergey E. Paramonov, Lorenzo Aulisa, Erica L. Bakota, and Jeffrey D. Hartgerink

JACS Vol. 129, No. 40 (October 10, 2007)

Magnetic Assembly and Patterning of Vesicle/Nanoparticle Aggregates
pp 12080 - 12081 (SI)
Kwan Ping Liem, Robert J. Mart, and Simon J. Webb

A Self-Assembled Nanofiber Catalyst for Ester Hydrolysis
pp 12082 - 12083 (SI)
Mustafa O. Guler and Samuel I. Stupp

Synthetic Antimicrobial Oligomers Induce a Composition-Dependent Topological Transition in Membranes

pp 12141 - 12147
Lihua Yang, Vernita D. Gordon, Abhijit Mishra, Abhigyan Som, Kirstin R. Purdy, Matthew A. Davis, Gregory N. Tew, and Gerard C. L. Wong

Surface-Assisted Assembly of an Ionic-Complementary Peptide: Controllable Growth of Nanofibers
pp 12200 - 12210
Hong Yang, Shan-Yu Fung, Mark Pritzker, and P. Chen


JACS Vol. 129, No. 39 (October 3, 2007)

Macrocyclic and Helical Oligoamides as a New Class of G-Quadruplex Ligands
pp 11890 - 11891 (SI)
Pravin S. Shirude, Elizabeth R. Gillies, Sylvain Ladame, Frédéric Godde, Kazuo Shin-ya, Ivan Huc, and Shankar Balasubramanian

Photoswitchable Molecular Glue for DNA
pp 11898 - 11899 (SI)
Chikara Dohno, Shin-nosuke Uno, and Kazuhiko Nakatani


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Nano Letters, Vol. 7, No. 9: September 2007

Hierarchical Nanostructure Control in Rod-Coil Block Copolymers with Magnetic Fields

Yuefei Tao, Hagar Zohar, Bradley D. Olsen, and Rachel A. Segalman
pp 2742 - 2746

Orientational Order in Block Copolymer Films Zone Annealed below the Order-Disorder Transition Temperature

Brian C. Berry, August W. Bosse, Jack F. Douglas, Ronald L. Jones, and Alamgir Karim
pp 2789 - 2794

Advances in Polymer Science, Volume 209/2007

Functional Hyperbranched Macromolecules Constructed from Acetylenic Triple-Bond Building Blocks

Matthias Häußler1 and Ben Zhong Tang1

p. 1-58

Nature, Volume 448 Number 7152 pp387-510

Biochemistry: Uncharted route for antibiotics p415

New and Views, John P. Quinn.

Acc. Chem. Res., 40 (9), 793–800 2007

Nonaqueous Sol–Gel Routes to Metal Oxide Nanoparticles

Markus Niederberger

Sol–gel routes to metal oxide nanoparticles in organic solvents under exclusion of water have become a versatile alternative to aqueous methods. In comparison to the complex aqueous chemistry, nonaqueous processes offer the possibility of better understanding and controlling the reaction pathways on a molecular level, enabling the synthesis of nanomaterials with high crystallinity and well-defined and uniform particle morphologies. The organic components strongly influence the composition, size, shape, and surface properties of the inorganic product, underlining the demand to understand the role of the organic species at all stages of these processes for the development of a rational synthesis strategy for inorganic nanomaterials.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Org. Biomol. Chem.

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2007, 5, 3100–3105
Biaryl amino acid templates in place of D-Pro-L-Pro in cyclic ß-hairpin cationic antimicrobial peptidomimetics
Nityakalyani Srinivas, Kerstin Moehle, Khaled Abou-Hadeed, Daniel Obrechtb and John A. Robinson

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2007, 5, 3299–3309
Synthesis and biological evaluation of potential bisubstrate inhibitors of protein farnesyltransferase. Design and synthesis of functionalized imidazoles
Renata Marcia de Figueiredo, La¨etitia Coudray and Jo¨elle Dubois

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2007, 5, 2903–2912
Intramolecular cation–p interaction in organic synthesis
Shinji Yamada

Biochemistry (ASAP)

beta-Sheet Pore-Forming Peptides Selected from a Rational Combinatorial Library:Mechanism of Pore Formation in Lipid Vesicles and Activity in Biological Membranes

Joshua M. Rausch, Jessica R. Marks, Ramesh Rathinakumar, and William C. Wimley

Bioconjugate Chem., Vol. 18, No. 5, 2007

Water-Soluble Contrast Agents Targeted at the Estrogen Receptor for Molecular Magnetic Resonance ImagingChidambaram Gunanathan.

Adi Pais, Edna Furman-Haran, Dalia Seger, Erez Eyal, Sarbani Mukhopadhyay, Yehoshoa Ben-David, Gregory Leitus, Hagai Cohen, Ayelet Vilan, Hadassa Degani, and David Milstein

J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 4034 - 4040

Sol–gel and precursor-derived coatings with cover function on medical alloys.

Bettina Hoffmann, Martina Feldmann and Günter Ziegler

J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 4022 - 4027

Temperature-dependent phagocytosis of highly branched poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide-co-1,2 propandiol-3-methacrylate)s prepared by RAFT polymerization.

Sally Hopkins, Steven Carter, Linda Swanson, Sheila MacNeil and Stephen Rimmer

J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 4002 - 4014

Novel approaches in microparticulate PLGA delivery systems encapsulating proteins.

Ajay Taluja, Yu Seok Youn and You Han Bae

J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 3987 - 4001

Polymeric nanovehicles for anticancer drugs with triggering release mechanisms.

Kyung T. Oh, Haiqing Yin, Eun Seong Lee and You Han Bae

J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 4160 - 4170

Organic solar cells. Supramolecular composites of porphyrins and fullerenes organized by polypeptide structures as light harvesters.

Taku Hasobe, Kenji Saito, Prashant V. Kamat, Vincent Troiani, Hongjin Qiu, Nathalie Solladié, Kil Suk Kim, Jong Kang Park, Dongho Kim, Francis D'Souza and Shunichi Fukuzumi

J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 4147 - 4152

Water-soluble conjugated polymers for continuous and sensitive fluorescence assays for phosphatase and peptidase

Lingling An, Yanli Tang, Fude Feng, Fang He and Shu Wang

Friday, October 5, 2007

JACS, Vol. 129, No. 38 (Sept. 26, 2007)

Programmed Dynamic Covalent Assembly of Unsymmetrical Macrocycles
pp 11682 - 11683 (SI)
C. Scott Hartley and Jeffrey S. Moore

Integrated Magnetic Bionanocomposites through Nanoparticle-Mediated Assembly of Ferritin
pp 11776 - 11780 (SI)
Sudhanshu Srivastava, Bappaditya Samanta, Brian J. Jordan, Rui Hong, Qijun Xiao, Mark T. Tuominen, and Vincent M. Rotello

Arm-First Method As a Simple and General Method for Synthesis of Miktoarm Star Copolymers
pp 11828 - 11834 (SI)
Haifeng Gao and Krzysztof Matyjaszewski

JACS Vol. 129, No. 37 (Sept. 19, 2007)

Alternating Copolymerization of Epoxides and Cyclic Anhydrides: An Improved Route to Aliphatic Polyesters
pp 11330 - 11331
Ryan C. Jeske, Angela M. DiCiccio, and Geoffrey W. Coates

The Herringbone Helix: A Noncanonical Folding in Aromatic-Aliphatic Peptides
pp 11348 - 11349 (SI)
Nicolas Delsuc, Frédéric Godde, Brice Kauffmann, Jean-Michel Léger, and Ivan Huc

Formation of Nanoparticles by Intramolecular Cross-Linking: Following the Reaction Progress of Single Polymer Chains by Atomic Force Microscopy
pp 11350 - 11351 (SI)
Anna E. Cherian, Frank C. Sun, Sergei S. Sheiko, and Geoffrey W. Coates

Phosphate-Mediated Arginine Insertion into Lipid Membranes and Pore Formation by a Cationic Membrane Peptide from Solid-State NMR
pp 11438 - 11446 (SI)
Ming Tang, Alan J. Waring, and Mei Hong

Tetrahedral Zinc Complexes with Liquid Crystalline and Luminescent Properties: Interplay Between Nonconventional Molecular Shapes and Supramolecular Mesomorphic Order
pp 11608 - 11618 (SI)
Emma Cavero, Santiago Uriel, Pilar Romero, José Luis Serrano, and Raquel Giménez

New Journal of Chemistry 2007, 31, 1826 - 1829

Synthesis of graft copolymers from alpha-oxanorbornenyl macromonomers

Gaëlle Morandi, Giuseppe Mantovani, Véronique Montembault, David M. Haddleton and Laurent Fontaine

Science, Vol 318, Issue 5847, Pages 13-126, 5 October 2007

MATERIALS SCIENCE: There's Room in the Middle
Anthony K. Cheetham and C. N. R. Rao
pg. 58-59

Polymer Gate Dielectric Surface Viscoelasticity Modulates Pentacene Transistor Performance
Choongik Kim, Antonio Facchetti, and Tobin J. Marks
pg. 76-80

Ultrastrong and Stiff Layered Polymer Nanocomposites
Paul Podsiadlo, Amit K. Kaushik, Ellen M. Arruda, Anthony M. Waas, Bong Sup Shim, Jiadi Xu, Himabindu Nandivada, Benjamin G. Pumplin, Joerg Lahann, Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy, and Nicholas A. Kotov
pg. 80-83

BUSINESS OFFICE FEATURE: Focus on Diversity: Meaningful Mentoring—Native American and Latino Success Stories

Lin M. and Kurzweil Hundt, Jenny
pg. 123-126

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Jounal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, Volume 45, Issue 11, Jun 2007

The controlled homogeneous organic solution polymerization of new hydrophilic cationic exo-7-oxanorbornenes via ROMP with RuCl2(PCy3)2CHPh in a novel 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol/methylenechloride solvent mixture (p 2113-2128)
David A. Rankin, Steven J. P'Pool, Hans-Jِrg Schanz, Andrew B. Lowe

Advanced Materials,Volume 19, Issue 19, (p 2836-2842)

Combinatorial Modification of Degradable Polymers Enables Transfection of Human Cells Comparable to Adenovirus

Jordan J. Green, Gregory T. Zugates, Nathan C. Tedford, Yu-Hung Huang, Linda G. Griffith,
Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Janet A. Sawicki, Robert Langer, and Daniel G. Anderson
Pressed submit twice accidentally.

ChemBioChem, Volume 8, Issue 13 (p 1504-1508)

Metal-Free Triazole Formation as a Tool for Bioconjugation

Sander S. van Berkel, A. (Ton) J. Dirks,
Marjoke F. Debets, Floris L. van Delft,
Jeroen J. L. M. Cornelissen,* Roeland J. M. Nolte, and
Floris P. J. T. Rutjes*[a]

C&EN2007, Volume 85, Number 37, Aug, 6

More Concerns Over Bisphenol A

Human exposures are usually as high as those causing profound effects in rodents

C&EN2007, Volume 85, Number 37, Sep. 10

All Roads Lead To Hydroxyl Radicals

Compounds with different targets trigger common killing mechanism

Organic Lett., 2007,9,4005

In Situ Generation of Palladium Nanoparticles: A Simple and Highly Active Protocol for Oxygen-Promoted Ligand-Free Suzuki Coupling Reaction of Aryl Chlorides

Wei Han, Chun Liu,* and Zi-Lin Jin