A Highly Efficient Macrolactonization Method via Ethoxyvinyl Ester
Yusuke Ohba,[a] Mayuko Takatsuji,[a] Kenji Nakahara,[a] Hiromichi Fujioka,[a] and
Yasuyuki Kita
Tew Group has started to post recent literature to their new website. You can click the link below:
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Biomaterials Volume 30, Issue 18, June 2009, Pages 3158-3166
The effect of photodynamic treatment combined with antibiotic action or host defence mechanisms on Staphylococcus aureus biofilms
Antonella Di Potoa, Maria S. Sbarraa, Giulio Provenzaa, Livia Visaia, b and Pietro Speziale
Fig. 3. Light dose-dependent killing of staphylococcal biofilms treated with TMP. S. aureus biofilms were incubated with TMP (10 μm) in the dark and subsequently irradiated with different light doses. Surviving fractions of cells were expressed as the ratios of CFU from bacteria treated with TMP and light to CFU of bacteria treated with TMP alone. The values represented are the means of the results from duplicate biofilms. Data are representative of three replicate experiments with similar results. Error bars indicate standard errors of the means.
Antonella Di Potoa, Maria S. Sbarraa, Giulio Provenzaa, Livia Visaia, b and Pietro Speziale
Biomaterials Volume 30, Issue 18, June 2009, Pages 3167-3173
An antimicrobial modified silicone peritoneal catheter with activity against both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria
Roger Baystona,
, Leanne E. Fishera and Klaus Weberb
Fig. 1. CAPD: microbial routes of entry. Bacteria can gain access to the peritoneal cavity either by contaminating the connector and the catheter lumen, or by migration from the skin exit site down the catheter track through the tissue. Two Dacron cuffs are attached to the catheter in an attempt to delay or prevent this second means.
Roger Baystona,
Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 4419 – 4427
A Carbon Nano-Onion–Ferrocene Donor–Acceptor System:
Synthesis, Characterization and Properties
Carla T. Cioffi,[a] Amit Palkar,[b] Frederic Melin,[b] Amar Kumbhar,[b] Luis Echegoyen,*[b]
Manuel Melle-Franco,[c] Francesco Zerbetto,*[c] G. M. Aminur Rahman,[d]
Christian Ehli,[d] Vito Sgobba,[d] Dirk M. Guldi,*[d] and Maurizio Prato
Synthesis, Characterization and Properties
Carla T. Cioffi,[a] Amit Palkar,[b] Frederic Melin,[b] Amar Kumbhar,[b] Luis Echegoyen,*[b]
Manuel Melle-Franco,[c] Francesco Zerbetto,*[c] G. M. Aminur Rahman,[d]
Christian Ehli,[d] Vito Sgobba,[d] Dirk M. Guldi,*[d] and Maurizio Prato
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 883–891
Molecular hydrogels of therapeutic agents
Fan Zhao,a Man Lung Mab and Bing Xu*
Fan Zhao,a Man Lung Mab and Bing Xu*
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 1228–1236
Polymerization reactions in porous coordination polymers
Takashi Uemura,ab Nobuhiro Yanaia and Susumu Kitagawa*ac
Takashi Uemura,ab Nobuhiro Yanaia and Susumu Kitagawa*ac
J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 1968–1977
An improved injectable polysaccharide hydrogel: modified gellan gum
for long-term cartilage regeneration in vitro
Yihong Gong, Chunming Wang, Ruenn Chai Lai, Kai Su, Feng Zhang and Dong-an Wang*
for long-term cartilage regeneration in vitro
Yihong Gong, Chunming Wang, Ruenn Chai Lai, Kai Su, Feng Zhang and Dong-an Wang*
Bioconjugate Chem. 2009, 20, 511–517
Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization-Based Synthesis of
ICG-Containing Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymers for in Vivo Tumor
Koji Miki,† Yoshiaki Kuramochi,† Kazuaki Oride,† Satoru Inoue,† Hiroshi Harada,‡,§ Masahiro Hiraoka,‡,§ and
Kouichi Ohe*,†
ICG-Containing Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymers for in Vivo Tumor
Koji Miki,† Yoshiaki Kuramochi,† Kazuaki Oride,† Satoru Inoue,† Hiroshi Harada,‡,§ Masahiro Hiraoka,‡,§ and
Kouichi Ohe*,†
Bioconjugate Chem. 2009, 20, 702–709
An Improved Cell-Penetrating, Caspase-Activatable, Near-Infrared
Fluorescent Peptide for Apoptosis Imaging
Dustin Maxwell,† Qing Chang,‡ Xu Zhang,‡ Edward M. Barnett,‡ and David Piwnica-Worms
Fluorescent Peptide for Apoptosis Imaging
Dustin Maxwell,† Qing Chang,‡ Xu Zhang,‡ Edward M. Barnett,‡ and David Piwnica-Worms
Acc. Chem. Res. Vol. 42, No. 4.
From Antenna to Assay: Lessons Learned in Lanthanide Luminescence
Evan G. Moore, Amanda P. S. Samuel and Kenneth N. Raymond* pp 542–552.
Evan G. Moore, Amanda P. S. Samuel and Kenneth N. Raymond* pp 542–552.
Nanoletters, Vol. 9, Iss. 4.
Continuous Concentric Lamellar Block Copolymer Nanofibers with Long Range Order
Minglin Ma†§, Kirill Titievsky†, Edwin L. Thomas‡§ and Gregory C. Rutledge*†§ pp 1678–1683.
Minglin Ma†§, Kirill Titievsky†, Edwin L. Thomas‡§ and Gregory C. Rutledge*†§ pp 1678–1683.
Kinetically Controlled Synthesis of Hexagonally Close- Packed Cobalt Nanorods with High Magnetic Coercivit
Yaghoub Soumare, Ce ´cile Garcia, Thomas Maurer, Gre ´gory Chaboussant,
Fre ´de ´ric Ott, Fernand Fie ´vet, Jean-Yves Piquemal,* and Guillaume Viau
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009,19, 1–7
Fre ´de ´ric Ott, Fernand Fie ´vet, Jean-Yves Piquemal,* and Guillaume Viau
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009,19, 1–7
A Smart Nanoprobe Based On Fluorescence-Quenching PEGylated Nanogels Containing Gold Nanoparticles for Monitoring the Response to Cancer Therapy
Motoi Oishi, Atsushi Tamura, Takahito Nakamura, and Yukio Nagasaki
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009,19, 827–834
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009,19, 827–834
Incorporation of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles into Organometallic Coordination Polymers by Nanoparticle Surface Modification
Sang Bok Kim, Chen Cai, Shouheng Sun, and Dwight A. Sweigart*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 2907 –2910
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 2907 –2910
Supramolecular ABC Triblock Copolymers
Ashootosh V. Ambade, Si Kyung Yang, and Marcus Weck
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 2894 –2898
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 2894 –2898
Undulated Multicompartment Cylinders by the Controlled and Directed Stacking of Polymer Micelles with a Compartmentalized Corona
Bing Fang, Andreas Walther, Andrea Wolf, Youyong Xu, Jiayin Yuan, and Axel H. E. Mueller
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 2877 –2880
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 2877 –2880
Highly Proton-Conducting Self-Humidifying Microchannels Generated by Copolymer Brushes on a Scaffold
Basit Yameen, Anke Kaltbeitzel, Andreas Langer, Frank Mller, Ulrich Gsele,Wolfgang Knoll, Omar Azzaroni
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3124 –3128
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3124 –3128
Photodegradable Hydrogels for Dynamic Tuning of Physical and Chemical Properties
A New Two-Photon-Sensitive Block Copolymer Nanocarrier
Maxime Pelletier, Martin Lepage, Jean-Franois Allard, Denis Morris,Yue Zhao
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3329 –3332
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3329 –3332
Monday, April 27, 2009
Nature Materials 8, 432 - 437 (2009)
A cell-free protein-producing gel
Proteins are important biomaterials and are generally produced in living cells. Here, we show a novel DNA hydrogel that is capable of producing functional proteins without any living cells. This protein-producing gel (termed 'the P-gel system' or 'P-gel') consists of genes as part of the gel scaffolding. This is the first time that a hydrogel has been used to produce proteins. The efficiency was about 300 times higher than current, solution-based systems. In terms of volumetric yield, the P-gel produced up to 5 mg ml-1 of functional proteins. The mechanisms behind the high efficiency and yield include improved gene stability, higher local concentration and a faster enzyme turnover rate due to a closer proximity of genes. We have tested a total of 16 different P-gels and have successfully produced all 16 proteins including membrane and toxic proteins, demonstrating that the P-gel system can serve as a general protein production technology.
ACS Nano, 2009, 3 (3), pp 673–681
Benzaldehyde-Functionalized Polymer Vesicles
Polymer vesicles with diameters of ca. 100−600 nm and bearing benzaldehyde functionalities within the vesicular walls were constructed through self-assembly of an amphiphilic block copolymer PEO45-b-PVBA26 in water. The reactivity of the benzaldehyde functionalities was verified by cross-linking the polymersomes and also by a one-pot cross-linking and functionalization approach to further render the vesicles fluorescent, each via reductive amination. In vitro studies found these labeled nanostructures to undergo cell association
ACS Nano, 2009, 3 (3), pp 502–510
Imaging Pancreatic Cancer Using Bioconjugated InP Quantum Dots
n this paper, we report the successful use of non-cadmium-based quantum dots (QDs) as highly efficient and nontoxic optical probes for imaging live pancreatic cancer cells. Indium phosphide (core)−zinc sulfide (shell), or InP/ZnS, QDs with high quality and bright luminescence were prepared by a hot colloidal synthesis method in nonaqueous media. The surfaces of these QDs were then functionalized with mercaptosuccinic acid to make them highly dispersible in aqueous media. Further bioconjugation with pancreatic cancer specific monoclonal antibodies, such as anticlaudin 4 and antiprostate stem cell antigen (anti-PSCA), to the functionalized InP/ZnS QDs, allowed specific in vitro targeting of pancreatic cancer cell lines (both immortalized and low passage ones). The receptor-mediated delivery of the bioconjugates was further confirmed by the observation of poor in vitro targeting in nonpancreatic cancer based cell lines which are negative for the claudin-4-receptor. These observations suggest the immense potential of InP/ZnS QDs as non-cadmium-based safe and efficient optical imaging nanoprobes in diagnostic imaging, particularly for early detection of cancer.
Biochemistry 2009, 48, 3304–3314
Mechanisms of Peptide Amphiphile Internalization by SJSA-1 Cells in Vitro
Dimitris Missirlis, Htet Khant, and Matthew Tirrell
Dimitris Missirlis, Htet Khant, and Matthew Tirrell
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1788 (2009) 1116–1125
Comparison of the membrane interaction mechanism of two antimicrobial RNases:
RNase 3/ECP and RNase 7
Marc Torrent, Daniel Sánchez, Víctor Buzón, M. Victòria Nogués, Josep Cladera, Ester Boix
RNase 3/ECP and RNase 7
Marc Torrent, Daniel Sánchez, Víctor Buzón, M. Victòria Nogués, Josep Cladera, Ester Boix
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1788 (2009) 1193–1203
Cell specificity, anti-inflammatory activity, and plausible bactericidal mechanism of
designed Trp-rich model antimicrobial peptides
Ka Hyon Park, Yong Hai Nan, Yoonkyung Park, Jae Il Kim, Il-Seon Park,
Kyung-Soo Hahm, Song Yub Shin
designed Trp-rich model antimicrobial peptides
Ka Hyon Park, Yong Hai Nan, Yoonkyung Park, Jae Il Kim, Il-Seon Park,
Kyung-Soo Hahm, Song Yub Shin
Langmuir, Vol 25, Iss 8 (April 09)
Bacteria Survive Multiple Puncturings of Their Cell Walls
Zhiyong Suo†, Recep Avci*†, Muhammedin Deliorman†, Xinghong Yang‡ and David W. Pascual‡
pp 4588–4594
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Langmuir, Vol 25, Iss 5 (March 09)
Self-Assembly of Vesicles from Amphiphilic Aromatic Amide-Based Oligomers
Yun-Xiang Xu, Gui-Tao Wang, Xin Zhao*, Xi-Kui Jiang and Zhan-Ting Li*
pp 2684–2688
Separation of Coherent and Incoherent Scattering Contributions in Ellipsometric Light Scattering Experiments on Latex Mixtures
Andreas Erbe†, Klaus Tauer and Reinhard Sigel*‡
pp 2703–2710
Protein Adsorption on Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-Modified Silicon Surfaces Prepared by Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
Zhaoqiang Wu†‡§, Hong Chen*†§, Xiaoli Liu†§, Yanxia Zhang†§, Dan Li†§ and He Huang§
pp 2900–2906
Novel Zwitterionic-Polymer-Coated Silica Nanoparticles
Guangwei Jia†‡, Zhiqiang Cao†, Hong Xue†, Yongshen Xu‡ and Shaoyi Jiang*†
pp 3196–3199
Interaction of Self-Assembling β-Sheet Peptides with Phospholipid Monolayers: The Role of Aggregation State, Polarity, Charge and Applied Field
Elisabeth Protopapa, Steven Maude, Amalia Aggeli and Andrew Nelson*
pp 3289–3296
Yun-Xiang Xu, Gui-Tao Wang, Xin Zhao*, Xi-Kui Jiang and Zhan-Ting Li*
pp 2684–2688
Separation of Coherent and Incoherent Scattering Contributions in Ellipsometric Light Scattering Experiments on Latex Mixtures
Andreas Erbe†, Klaus Tauer and Reinhard Sigel*‡
pp 2703–2710
Protein Adsorption on Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-Modified Silicon Surfaces Prepared by Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
Zhaoqiang Wu†‡§, Hong Chen*†§, Xiaoli Liu†§, Yanxia Zhang†§, Dan Li†§ and He Huang§
pp 2900–2906
Novel Zwitterionic-Polymer-Coated Silica Nanoparticles
Guangwei Jia†‡, Zhiqiang Cao†, Hong Xue†, Yongshen Xu‡ and Shaoyi Jiang*†
pp 3196–3199
Interaction of Self-Assembling β-Sheet Peptides with Phospholipid Monolayers: The Role of Aggregation State, Polarity, Charge and Applied Field
Elisabeth Protopapa, Steven Maude, Amalia Aggeli and Andrew Nelson*
pp 3289–3296
JACS, 131, 5716-6036, 2009
Core Functionalization of Hollow Polymer Nanocapsules
Xiang Liu and Amit Basupp
pp 5718–5719
Photoregulated Release of Caged Anticancer Drugs from Gold Nanoparticles
Sarit S. Agasti, Apiwat Chompoosor, Chang-Cheng You, Partha Ghosh, Chae Kyu Kim and Vincent M. Rotello
pp 5728–5729
Sequential Phosphine-Catalyzed, Nucleophilic Thiol−Ene/Radical-Mediated Thiol−Yne Reactions and the Facile Orthogonal Synthesis of Polyfunctional Materials
Justin W. Chan, Charles E. Hoyle and Andrew B. Lowe
pp 5751–5753
Selective Toxin Sequestrants for the Treatment of Bacterial Infections
Levi S. Simpson, Lyle Burdine, Amal K. Dutta, Andrew P. Feranchak and Thomas Kodadek
pp 5760–5762
Xiang Liu and Amit Basupp
pp 5718–5719
Photoregulated Release of Caged Anticancer Drugs from Gold Nanoparticles
Sarit S. Agasti, Apiwat Chompoosor, Chang-Cheng You, Partha Ghosh, Chae Kyu Kim and Vincent M. Rotello
pp 5728–5729
Sequential Phosphine-Catalyzed, Nucleophilic Thiol−Ene/Radical-Mediated Thiol−Yne Reactions and the Facile Orthogonal Synthesis of Polyfunctional Materials
Justin W. Chan, Charles E. Hoyle and Andrew B. Lowe
pp 5751–5753
Selective Toxin Sequestrants for the Treatment of Bacterial Infections
Levi S. Simpson, Lyle Burdine, Amal K. Dutta, Andrew P. Feranchak and Thomas Kodadek
pp 5760–5762
JACS, 131, 5364-5714, 2009
Synthesis and Characterization of Organometallic Coordination Polymer Nanoshells of Prussian Blue Using Miniemulsion Periphery Polymerization (MEPP)
Guodong Liang, Junting Xu and Xiaosong Wang
pp 5378–5379
A Direct Route to Cyclic Organic Nanostructures via Ring-Expansion Metathesis Polymerization of a Dendronized Macromonomer
Andrew J. Boydston, Thomas W. Holcombe, David A. Unruh, Jean M. J. Frchet and Robert H. Grubbs
pp 5388–5389
Guodong Liang, Junting Xu and Xiaosong Wang
pp 5378–5379
A Direct Route to Cyclic Organic Nanostructures via Ring-Expansion Metathesis Polymerization of a Dendronized Macromonomer
Andrew J. Boydston, Thomas W. Holcombe, David A. Unruh, Jean M. J. Frchet and Robert H. Grubbs
pp 5388–5389
JACS, 131, 4554-5010, 2009
PEG Branched Polymer for Functionalization of Nanomaterials with Ultralong Blood Circulation
Giuseppe Prencipe, Scott M. Tabakman, Kevin Welsher, Zhuang Liu, Andrew P. Goodwin, Li Zhang, Joy Henry and Hongjie Dai
pp 4783–4787
Giuseppe Prencipe, Scott M. Tabakman, Kevin Welsher, Zhuang Liu, Andrew P. Goodwin, Li Zhang, Joy Henry and Hongjie Dai
pp 4783–4787
JACS, 131, 4172-4552, 2009
Self-Assembly of Nanostructured Diatom Microshells into Patterned Arrays Assisted by Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Deposition and Inkjet Printing
Wei Wang, Timothy Gutu, Debra K. Gale, Jun Jiao, Gregory L. Rorrer and Chih-hung Chang
pp 4178–4179
Nucleobase-Templated Polymerization: Copying the Chain Length and Polydispersity of Living Polymers into Conjugated Polymers
Pik Kwan Lo and Hanadi F. Sleiman
pp 4182–4183
Synthesis of a Cross-Linked Branched Polymer Network in the Interior of a Protein Cage
Md Joynal Abedin, Lars Liepold, Peter Suci, Mark Young and Trevor Douglas
pp 4346–4354
Stop-Flow Lithography for the Production of Shape-Evolving Degradable Microgel Particles
Dae Kun Hwang, John Oakey, Mehmet Toner, Jeffrey A. Arthur, Kristi S. Anseth, Sunyoung Lee, Adam Zeiger, Krystyn J. Van Vliet and Patrick S. Doyle
pp 4499–4504
Wei Wang, Timothy Gutu, Debra K. Gale, Jun Jiao, Gregory L. Rorrer and Chih-hung Chang
pp 4178–4179
Nucleobase-Templated Polymerization: Copying the Chain Length and Polydispersity of Living Polymers into Conjugated Polymers
Pik Kwan Lo and Hanadi F. Sleiman
pp 4182–4183
Synthesis of a Cross-Linked Branched Polymer Network in the Interior of a Protein Cage
Md Joynal Abedin, Lars Liepold, Peter Suci, Mark Young and Trevor Douglas
pp 4346–4354
Stop-Flow Lithography for the Production of Shape-Evolving Degradable Microgel Particles
Dae Kun Hwang, John Oakey, Mehmet Toner, Jeffrey A. Arthur, Kristi S. Anseth, Sunyoung Lee, Adam Zeiger, Krystyn J. Van Vliet and Patrick S. Doyle
pp 4499–4504
Volume 10, Issue 4 (April 09)
Water-Stable Diblock Polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinyl pyridine) and Diblock Polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) Cylindrical Patterned Surfaces Inhibit Settlement of Zoospores of the Green Alga Ulva
Claudia M. Grozea†, Nikhil Gunari‡, John A. Finlay§, Daniel Grozea
, Maureen E. Callow§, James A. Callow§, Zheng-Hong Lu
and Gilbert C. Walker*†
pp 1004–1012
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry
Volume 47 Issue 10 (May 2009)
An efficient synthetic route to well-defined theta-shaped copolymers
Gang-Yin Shi, Cai-Yuan Pan
(p 2620-2630)
An efficient synthetic route to well-defined theta-shaped copolymers
Gang-Yin Shi, Cai-Yuan Pan
(p 2620-2630)
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
Vol 210, Iss 7, April 09
The Influence of Counterion Type and Temperature on Flory-Huggins Binary Interaction Parameter in Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels
Vol 210, Iss 8, April 09
Synthesis and Characterization of Amphiphilic Polyethers Based on Tetrahydrofuran and Glycidol: Antibacterial Assessment
Stefan Theiler, Thomas Hövetborn, Helmut Keul, Martin Möller
p 614-630
Solution Self-Assembly of Core-Labeled Block Random-Copolymers Prepared by Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization
Martina Sandholzer, Christian Slugovc
p 651-658
The Influence of Counterion Type and Temperature on Flory-Huggins Binary Interaction Parameter in Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels
Alexander P. Safronov, Felix A. Blyakhman, Tatyana F. Shklyar, Tatyana V. Terziyan, Marina A. Kostareva, Sergey A. Tchikunov, Gerald H. Pollack p 511-519
Vol 210, Iss 8, April 09Synthesis and Characterization of Amphiphilic Polyethers Based on Tetrahydrofuran and Glycidol: Antibacterial Assessment
Stefan Theiler, Thomas Hövetborn, Helmut Keul, Martin Möller
p 614-630
Solution Self-Assembly of Core-Labeled Block Random-Copolymers Prepared by Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization
Martina Sandholzer, Christian Slugovc
p 651-658
Saturday, April 25, 2009
chembiochem, 2009, 10, 959-969
Olefin Metathesis for Site-Selective Protein Modification
Yuya A. Lin, Justin M. Chalker, and Benjamin G. Davis*
Yuya A. Lin, Justin M. Chalker, and Benjamin G. Davis*
organic letters, 2009, 11 (6), 1261-1264
Well-Defined Silica-Supported Olefin Metathesis Catalysts
Daryl P. Allen, Matthew M. Van Wingerden, and Robert H. Grubbs
Daryl P. Allen, Matthew M. Van Wingerden, and Robert H. Grubbs
organic letters, 2009, 11 (8), 1693-1695
Revised Structure and Synthesis of Celastramycin A, A Potent Innate Immune Suppressor
Haruhisa Kikuchi, Mizuki Sekiya, Yasuhiro Katou, Kazunori
Ueda, Takahiro Kabeya, Shoichiro Kurata, and Yoshiteru Oshima
Haruhisa Kikuchi, Mizuki Sekiya, Yasuhiro Katou, Kazunori
Ueda, Takahiro Kabeya, Shoichiro Kurata, and Yoshiteru Oshima

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