Tuesday, July 12, 2011
ACS Nano, 2011, 5 (6), pp 5167–5174
Bong Gill Choi†, Jinkee Hong‡, Young Chul Park§, Doo Hwan Jung§, Won Hi Hong†*, Paula T. Hammond‡*, and HoSeok Park*
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (BK21 program), KAIST, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea
Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States
Advanced Fuel Cell Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) 71-2, Jang-dong, Yusong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Kyung Hee University, 1 Seochon, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 446-701, Republic of Korea
ACS Nano, 2011, 5 (6), pp 5094–5099
Huaizhi Kang†, Anna Carolina Trondoli†, Guizhi Zhu†, Yan Chen†‡, Ya-Jen Chang§, Haipeng Liu†, Yu-Fen Huang§*, Xiaoling Zhang*, and Weihong Tan†‡*
Center For Research at the Bio/nano Interface, Department of Chemistry and Department of Physiology and Functional Genomics, Shands Cancer Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-7200, United States
State Key Laboratory of Chemo/Biosensing and Chemometrics, College of Biology, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410082, People’s Republic of China
Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC
Key Laboratory of Cluster Science of Ministry of Education, Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, People’s Republic of China
ACS Nano, 2011, 5 (6), pp 4997–5005
Viktor Bezugly†*, Jens Kunstmann†, Bernhard Grundktter-Stock‡, Thomas Frauenheim‡, Thomas Niehaus§, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti†
Institute for Materials Science and Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials, Dresden University of Technology, 01062 Dresden, Germany
Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, Universitt Bremen, Am Fallturm 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany
University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany
Division of IT Convergence Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang 790-784, Republic of Korea
ACS Nano, 2011, 5 (6), pp 4902–4908
Shimou Chen†, Keita Kobayashi‡, Ryo Kitaura†, Yasumitsu Miyata†, and Hisanori Shinohara†*
Department of Chemistry and Institute for Advanced Research, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8602, Japan,
Nanotube Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba 305-8565, Japan
ACS Nano, 2011, 5 (6), pp 4720–4728
Kun Chang and Weixiang Chen*
Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, People's Republic of China
ACS Nano, 2011, 5 (6), pp 4521–4528
Sara Puertas†, Pilar Batalla‡, Mara Moros†, Ester Polo†, Pablo del Pino†, Jos M. Guisn‡, Valeria Graz†*, and Jess M. de la Fuente†*
Biofunctionalization of Nanoparticles and Surfaces (BioNanoSurf), Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragn (INA), Universidad de Zaragoza, Campus Ro Ebro, Edifcio I+D, Mariano Esquillor, s/n, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain,
Instituto de Catlisis y Petroleoqumica (ICP), CSIC, Campus Universidad Autnoma, 28049 Madrid, Spain
ACS Nano, 2011, 5 (6), pp 4329–4336
Hyun Jung Chung†, Haeshin Lee‡§, Ki Hyun Bae†, Yuhan Lee†, Jongnam Park, Seung-Woo Cho, Jin Young Hwang, Hyunwook Park, Robert Langer, Daniel Anderson*, and Tae Gwan Park†§*
†Department of Biological Sciences, ‡Department of Chemistry, §The Graduate School of Nanoscience & Technology, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, 305-701, Republic of Korea
Energy Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Republic of Korea 689-805
Department of Biotechnology, Yonsei University, Seoul, 120-749, Republic of Korea
Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, 305-701, Republic of Korea
David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States
Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States
Harvard−Massachusetts Institute of Technology Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States
Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (6), pp 2533–2537
C.-H. Chang*†, L. Tian†, W. R. Hesse†, H. Gao‡, H. J. Choi†, J.-G. Kim†, M. Siddiqui†, and G. Barbastathis†§
†Department of Mechanical Engineering and ‡Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States
§ Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre, Singapore
Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (6), pp 2390–2395
Pratap M. Rao and Xiaolin Zheng*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, United States
Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (6), pp 2304–2310
Markus Rauber*†‡, Ina Alber‡, Sven Mller‡, Reinhard Neumann‡, Oliver Picht‡, Christina Roth†, Alexander Schkel†, Maria Eugenia Toimil-Molares‡, and Wolfgang Ensinger†
† Department of Material- and Geo-Sciences, Technische Universitt Darmstadt, Petersenstrasse 23, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany
‡ Materials Research Department, GSI Helmholtzzentrum fr Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Planckstrasse 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (6), pp 2324–2328
Tim Burnett1, Rositza Yakimova2, and Olga Kazakova1*
1 National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, TW11 0LW, United Kingdom
2 Linkping University, Linkping, SE-581 83 Sweden
Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (6), pp 2311–2317
Kimberly A. Sablon†, John W. Little†, Vladimir Mitin‡, Andrei Sergeev*‡, Nizami Vagidov‡, and Kitt Reinhardt¶
† U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, Maryland 20783, United States
‡ University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14260, United States
¶ AFOSR/NE, 875 North Randolph Street, Suite 326, Arlington, Virginia 22203, United States
Monday, July 11, 2011
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6388 –6391
Eun Ji Shin, Hayley A. Brown, Silvia Gonzalez, Wonhee Jeong, James L. Hedrick, and
Robert M. Waymouth*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6324 –6327
Dorota I. Roz˙kiewicz, Benjamin D. Myers, and Samuel I. Stupp*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6254 –6257
Ying Ma, Yuanyuan Zhang, Baisheng Wu, Weipeng Sun, Zhengguang Li, and Junqi Sun*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6147 –6150
Abhigyan Som, A. Ozgul Tezgel, Gregory J. Gabriel, and Gregory N. Tew*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6109 –6114
Specific Endocytic Organelles in Living Cells**
Kejin Zhou, Yiguang Wang, Xiaonan Huang, Katherine Luby-Phelps, Baran D. Sumer, and
Jinming Gao*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6102 –6104
Zhiqiang Cao, Norman Brault, Hong Xue, Andrew Keefe, and Shaoyi Jiang*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6098 –6101
Kelong Wang, Mingxu You, Yan Chen, Da Han, Zhi Zhu, Jin Huang, Kathryn Williams,
Chaoyong James Yang,* and Weihong Tan*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 5851 –5855
Joe B. Gilroy, Sanjib K. Patra, John M. Mitchels, Mitchell A. Winnik,* and Ian Manners*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 5712 –5715
Agust n Mihi, Chunjie Zhang, and Paul V. Braun*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 5704 –5707
Roberto de la Rica,* Raluca M. Fratila, Anna Szarpak, Jurriaan Huskens, and Aldrik H. Velders*
Margarita Staykova, Douglas P. Holmes, Clarke Read, and Howard A. Stone
PNAS 2011 108 (22) 9084-9088
Forming giant vesicles with controlled membrane composition, asymmetry, and contents
David L. Richmond, Eva M. Schmid, Sascha Martens, Jeanne C. Stachowiak, Nicole Liska, and Daniel A. Fletcher
PNAS 2011 108 (23) 9431-9436
Direct visualization at the single-cell level of siRNA electrotransfer into cancer cells
A. Paganin-Gioanni, E. Bellard, J. M. Escoffre, M. P. Rols, J. Teissié, and M. Golzio
PNAS 2011 108 (26) 10443-10447
Structure-based approach to rationally design a chimeric protein for an effective vaccine against Group B Streptococcus infections
Annalisa Nuccitelli, Roberta Cozzi, Louise J. Gourlay, Danilo Donnarumma, Francesca Necchi, Nathalie Norais, John L. Telford, Rino Rappuoli, Martino Bolognesi, Domenico Maione, Guido Grandi, and C. Daniela Rinaudo
PNAS 2011 108 (25) 10278-10283
Side-chain hydrophobicity scale derived from transmembrane protein folding into lipid bilayers
C. Preston Moon and Karen G. Fleming
PNAS 2011 108 (25) 10174-10177
Designing super selectivity in multivalent nano-particle binding
Francisco J. Martinez-Veracoechea and Daan Frenkel
PNAS 2011 108 (27) 10963-10968
Erythrocyte membrane-camouflaged polymeric nanoparticles as a biomimetic delivery platform
Che-Ming J. Hu, Li Zhang, Santosh Aryal, Connie Cheung, Ronnie H. Fang, and Liangfang Zhang
PNAS 2011 108 (27) 10980-10985
Functional motor recovery from brain ischemic insult by carbon nanotube-mediated siRNA silencing
Khuloud T. Al-Jamal, Lisa Gherardini, Giuseppe Bardi, Antonio Nunes, Chang Guo, Cyrill Bussy, M. Antonia Herrero, Alberto Bianco, Maurizio Prato, Kostas Kostarelos, and Tommaso Pizzorusso
PNAS 2011 108 (27) 10952-10957
Nature Nanotechnology
J.L. Arlett, E.B. Myers & M.L. Roukes
Nature Nanotechnology 6, 203–215 (2011)
Spin–orbit-driven ferromagnetic resonance
D. Fang, H. Kurebayashi, J. Wunderlich, K. Výborný, L. P. Zârbo, R. P. Campion, A. Casiraghi, B. L. Gallagher, T. Jungwirth & A. J. Ferguson
Nature Nanotechnology 6, 413–417 (2011)
Single-molecule transport across an individual biomimetic nuclear pore complex
Stefan W. Kowalczyk, Larisa Kapinos, Timothy R. Blosser, Tomás Magalhães, Pauline van Nies, Roderick Y. H. Lim & Cees Dekker
Nature Nanotechnology 6, 433–438 (2011)
Controlling protein translocation through nanopores with bio-inspired fluid walls
Erik C. Yusko, Jay M. Johnson, Sheereen Majd, Panchika Prangkio, Ryan C. Rollings, Jiali Li, Jerry Yang & Michael Mayer
Nature Nanotechnology 6, 253–260 (2011)
Journal of Materials Chemistry
Journal of Polymer Science Part A
Fatma Canturk, Bunyamin Karagoz, Niyazi Bicak
Volume 49, Issue 16, pages 3536–3542, 15 August 2011
Various brush polymers through ring opening metathesis polymerization and nitroxide radical coupling reaction
Nese Cerit, Nese Cakir, Aydan Dag, Okan Sirkecioglu, Hakan Durmaz, Gurkan Hizal, Umit Tunca
Volume 49, Issue 13, pages 2850–2858, 1 July 2011
Ni(II) and Pd(II) complexes bearing novel bis(β-ketoamino) ligand and their catalytic activity toward copolymerization of norbornene and 5-norbornene-2-yl acetate combined with B(C6F5)3
Kaiti Wang, Yiwang Chen, Xiaohui He, Yueman Liu, Weihua Zhou
Volume 49, Issue 15, pages 3304–3313, 1 August 2011
Nature Materials
Biochemistry 2011, 50, 5195–5207
HIV Fusion Peptide
Oscar Torres and Dennis Bong
Biochemistry 2011, 50, 5979–5987
Structure and Dynamics of Membrane-Active Peptides Interacting
with Lipid Bilayers
Yuta Suzuki, Benjamin C. Buer, Hashim M. Al-Hashimi, and E. Neil G. Marsh
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1808 (2011) 2156–2166
disulfide-bond spacers for gene delivery
Rahau S. Shirazi, Kai K. Ewert, Cecilia Leal, Ramsey N. Majzoub, Nathan F. Bouxsein, Cyrus R. Safinya
ACS Chem Bio
Airong Song, Stephen G. Walker, Kathlyn A. Parker, and Nicole S. Sampson
pp 590–599
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Volume 63, Issue 7, Pages 493-554
Shinji Yamashita, and Yuichi Sugiyama
Volume 63, Issue 7, 19 June 2011, Page 493
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Volume 55 No 7 July 2011
Protein Binding: Do We Ever Learn?
Markus A. Zeitlinger, Hartmut Derendorf, Johan W. Mouton, Otto Cars, William A. Craig, David Andes, and Ursula Theuretzbacher
Antimicrobial Penetration and Efficacy in an In Vitro Oral Biofilm Model
Audrey Corbin, Betsey Pitts, Albert Parker, and Philip S. Stewart
Synergistic Combination of Chitosan Acetate with Nanoparticle Silver as a Topical Antimicrobial: Efficacy against Bacterial Burn Infections
Liyi Huang, Tianhong Dai, Yi Xuan, George P. Tegos, and Michael R. Hamblin
Christopher W. Kaplan, Jee Hyun Sim, Kevin R. Shah, Aida Kolesnikova-Kaplan, Wenyuan Shi, and Randal Eckert
Journal of Organic Chemistry
Chiral Amplification in One-Dimensional Helical Nanostructures Self-Organized from Phenylethynyl Thiophene with Elaborated Long-Chain Dicarboxamides
Chun-Hsian Li, Kai-Chi Chang, Chia-Chen Tsou, Yikang Lan, Hsiao-Ching Yang, and Shih-Sheng Sun; pp 5524–5530Synthesis and Preliminary Evaluation of pro-RNA 2′-O-Masked with Biolabile Pivaloyloxymethyl Groups in an RNA Interference Assay
Thomas Lavergne, Carine Baraguey, Christelle Dupouy, Nora Parey, Winfried Wuensche, Georg Sczakiel, Jean-Jacques Vasseur, and FranJACS, 2011, 133, 8775-9136
Jean-Charles Eloi, David A. Rider, Graeme Cambridge, George R. Whittell, Mitchell A. Winnik, and Ian Manners
pp 8903–8913
pH-Operated Mechanized Porous Silicon Nanoparticles
Min Xue, Xing Zhong, Zory Shaposhnik, Yongquan Qu, Fuyuhiko Tamanoi, Xiangfeng Duan, and Jeffrey I. Zink
pp 8798–8801
Redox-Switchable Surface for Controlling Peptide Structure
Brian M. Lamb and Muhammad N. Yousaf
pp 8870–8873
Spontaneous Membrane-Translocating Peptides by Orthogonal High-Throughput Screening
Jessica R. Marks, Jesse Placone, Kalina Hristova, and William C. Wimley
pp 8995–9004
Nature Chemistry Volume 3 No 7 July 2011
Nitrenium ions as ligands for transition metals pp525 - 531
Yuri Tulchinsky, Mark A. Iron, Mark Botoshansky & Mark Gandelman
Jin Suntivich, Hubert A. Gasteiger, Naoaki Yabuuchi, Haruyuki Nakanishi, John B. Goodenough & Yang Shao-Horn
Facile removal of stabilizer-ligands from supported gold nanoparticles -pp551 - 556
Jose A. Lopez-Sanchez, Nikolaos Dimitratos, Ceri Hammond, Gemma L. Brett, Lokesh Kesavan, Saul White, Peter Miedziak, Ramchandra Tiruvalam, Robert L. Jenkins, Albert F. Carley, David Knight, Christopher J. Kiely & Graham J. Hutchings
Bioconjugate Chemistry, Volume 22, Issue 6, Pages 993-1256
Aromatic Aldehyde and Hydrazine Activated Peptide Coated Quantum Dots for Easy Bioconjugation and Live Cell Imaging
Gopal Iyer, Fabien Pinaud, Jianmin Xu, Yuval Ebenstein, Jack Li, Jessica Chang, Maxime Dahan, and Shimon Weiss
Bioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (6), pp 1006–1011Recombinant Protein Hydrazides: Application to Site-Specific Protein PEGylation
Jennifer Thom, David Anderson, Joanne McGregor, and Graham CottonBioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (6), pp 1017–1020
NONOates–Polyethylenimine Hydrogel for Controlled Nitric Oxide Release and Cell Proliferation Modulation
Jihoon Kim, Yanggy Lee, Kaushik Singha, Hyun Woo Kim, Jae Ho Shin, Seongbong Jo, Dong-Keun Han, and Won Jong KimBioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (6), pp 1031–1038
Synthesis of PAMAM Dendrimer Derivatives with Enhanced Buffering Capacity and Remarkable Gene Transfection Efficiency
Gwang Sig Yu, Yun Mi Bae, Hye Choi, Bokyung Kong, Insung S. Choi, and Joon Sig ChoiAcid-Degradable Cationic Dextran Particles for the Delivery of siRNA Therapeutics
Jessica L. Cohen, Stephanie Schubert, Peter R. Wich, Lina Cui, Joel A. Cohen, Justin L. Mynar, and Jean M. J. FrBioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (6), pp 1056–1065
Efficient Orthogonal Bioconjugation of Dendrimers for Synthesis of Bioactive Nanoparticles
Hubert F. Gaertner, Fabrice Cerini, Arun Kamath, Anne-FranReal-Time Monitoring of Actin Polymerization in Living Cells Using Split Luciferase
Tetsuya Ishimoto, Takeaki Ozawa, and Hisashi MoriLinear Cationic Click Polymers/DNA Nanoparticles: In Vitro Structure–Activity Relationship and In Vivo Evaluation for Gene Delivery
Yu Gao, Qi Yin, Lingli Chen, Zhiwen Zhang, and Yaping LiBioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (6), pp 1153–1161
Photoluminescent Hyperbranched Poly(amido amine) Containing β-Cyclodextrin as a Nonviral Gene Delivery Vector
Yan Chen†, Linzhu Zhou†, Yan Pang†, Wei Huang†, Feng Qiu†, Xulin Jiang‡, Xinyuan Zhu*†, Deyue Yan†, and Qun Chen*§Bioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (6), pp 1162–1170
Ellipticine-Aimed Polymer-Conjugated Auger Electron Emitter: Multistage Organelle Targeting Approach
Ondrej Sedlacek†, Martin Hruby*†, Martin Studenovsky†, Jan Kucka†, David Vetvicka‡, Lubomir Kovar‡, Blanka Rihova‡, and Karel Ulbrich†Bioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (6), pp 1194–1201
Well-Controlled Cationic Water-Soluble Phospholipid Polymer−DNA Nanocomplexes for Gene Delivery
Marya Ahmed†, Neha Bhuchar†, Kazuhiko Ishihara‡, and Ravin Narain*†JACS, 2011, 133, 9137-9626
Yibing Shan, Eric T. Kim, Michael P. Eastwood, Ron O. Dror, Markus A. Seeliger, and David E. Shaw
pp 9181–9183
Functional Virus-Based Polymer–Protein Nanoparticles by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
Jonathan K. Pokorski, Kurt Breitenkamp, Lars O. Liepold, Shefah Qazi, and M.G. Finn
pp 9242–9245
Polyvalent Nucleic Acid Nanostructures
Joshua I. Cutler, Ke Zhang, Dan Zheng, Evelyn Auyeung, Andrew E. Prigodich, and Chad A. Mirkin
pp 9254–9257
In Vitro Reconstitution of Eukaryotic Ion Channels Using Droplet Interface Bilayers
Sebastian Leptihn, James R. Thompson, J. Clive Ellory, Stephen J. Tucker, and Mark I. Wallace
pp 9370–9375
JACS, 2011, 133, 9949-10324
Vinay Gupta, Neeraj Chaudhary, Ritu Srivastava, Gauri Datt Sharma, Ramil Bhardwaj, and Suresh Chand
pp 9960–9963
Monovalent, Clickable, Uncharged, Water-Soluble Perylenediimide-Cored Dendrimers for Target-Specific Fluorescent Biolabeling
Si Kyung Yang, Xinghua Shi, Seongjin Park, Sultan Doganay, Taekjip Ha, and Steven C. Zimmerman
pp 9964–9967
Imaging Intracellular pH in Live Cells with a Genetically Encoded Red Fluorescent Protein Sensor
Mathew Tantama, Yin Pun Hung, and Gary Yellen
pp 10034–10037
Broad Distribution of Energetically Important Contacts across an Extended Protein Interface
Lisa M. Johnson, W. Seth Horne, and Samuel H. Gellman
pp 10038–10041
Reaction-Based Fluorescent Probes for Selective Imaging of Hydrogen Sulfide in Living Cells
Alexander R. Lippert, Elizabeth J. New, and Christopher J. Chang
pp 10078–10080
Biomaterials, 2011, issue 27
Pages 6456-6470
Sihem Ouasti, Roberto Donno, Francesco Cellesi, Michael J. Sherratt, Giorgio Terenghi, Nicola Tirelli
Biomaterials, 2011, issue 26
Pages 6025-6033
Maya Gonen-Wadmany, Revital Goldshmid, Dror Seliktar
Pages 6194-6203
Christopher J. Cheng, W. Mark Saltzman
Biomaterials, 2011, issue 24
Pages 5590-5599
Seda Yamanlar, Shilpa Sant, Thomas Boudou, Catherine Picart, Ali Khademhosseini
Pages 5698-5705
Charles J. White, Matthew K. McBride, Kayla M. Pate, Arianna Tieppo, Mark E. Byrne
Biomaterials, 2011, issue 22
Pages 5056-5064
Joshua A. Wood, Nihar M. Shah, Clayton T. McKee, Marissa L. Hughbanks, Sara J. Liliensiek, Paul Russell, Christopher J. Murphy
Pages 5213-5222
Hye Yeong Nam, Jaesung Kim, Soojin Kim, James W. Yockman, Sung Wan Kim, David A. Bull
Pages 5262-5268
Hyo Young Kim, Seunghoo Kim, Hyewon Youn, June-Key Chung, Dong Hae Shin, Kyunglim Lee
Biomaterials, 2011, issue 21
Pages 4737-4743
Edgar Y. Egawa, Koichi Kato, Makiko Hiraoka, Tadashi Nakaji-Hirabayashi, Hiroo Iwata
Pages 4761-4772
Chiara E. Ghezzi, Naser Muja, Benedetto Marelli, Showan N. Nazhat
Advanced Materials, 2011, 23, issue 25
Pabitra K. Nayak, Juan Bisquert and David Cahen
Advanced Materials, 2011, 23, issue 23
Susan Nachtrab, Sebastian C. Kapfer, Christoph H. Arns, Mahyar Madadi, Klaus Mecke and Gerd E. Schröder-Turk
Macromolecules Volume 44, Issue 12 (28 June 2011)
Top-Down Multidimensional Mass Spectrometry Methods for Synthetic Polymer Analysis
Xiaopeng Li, Li Guo, Madalis Casiano-Maldonado, Donghui Zhang, and Chrys Wesdemiotis pgs 4555-4564.
A Facile Construction of Supramolecular Complex from Polyaniline and Cellulose in Aqueous System
Xingwei Shi, Lina Zhang, Jie Cai, Gongzhen Cheng, Hongming Zhang, Ji Li, and Xianhong Wang pgs 4565-4568
Triblock Copolymers with Grafted Fluorine-Free, Amphiphilic, Non-Ionic Side Chains for Antifouling and Fouling-Release Applications
Youngjin Cho, Harihara S. Sundaram, Craig J. Weinman, Marvin Y. Paik, Michael D. Dimitriou, John A. Finlay, Maureen E. Callow, James A. Callow, Edward J. Kramer, and Christopher K. Ober pgs 4783-4792.
Influence of the Supramolecular Organization on the Magnetic Properties of Poly(3-alkylthiophene)s in Their Neutral State
Steven Vandeleene, Mihaela Jivanescu, AndrStesmans, Jo Cuppens, Margriet J. Van Bael, Thierry Verbiest, and Guy Koeckelberghs pgs 4911-4919.
Cross-Linking of Side Chain Unsaturated Aromatic Polyethers for High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Applications
Konstantinia D. Papadimitriou, Fotis Paloukis, Stylianos G. Neophytides, and Joannis K. Kallitsis pgs 4942-4951.
Macromolecules Volume 44 Issue 11 (14 June 2011)
A Study on the Kinetics of a Disorder-to-Order Transition Induced by Alkyne/Azide Click Reaction
Xinyu Wei, Le Li, Jeffrey P. Kalish, Wei Chen, and Thomas P. Russell pgs. 4269-4275
Decoupling Ionic Conductivity from Structural Relaxation: A Way to Solid Polymer Electrolytes?
A. L. Agapov and A. P. Sokolov pgs. 4410-4414
Structural Investigation on Thermoresponsive PVA/Poly(methacrylate-co-N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgels across the Volume Phase Transition
Shivkumar V. Ghugare, Ester Chiessi, Rainer Fink, Yuri Gerelli, Andrea Scotti, Antonio Deriu, Geraldine Carrot, and Gaio Paradossi pgs. 4470-4478.
Kinetics of Glucose-Induced Swelling of P(NIPAM-AAPBA) Microgels
Shuying Xing, Ying Guan, and Yongjun Zhang pgs. 4479-4486.
Journal of Power Sources Volume 196, Issue 13 (1 July 2011)
Chengxu Zhang, Jue Hu, Jie Cong, Yanping Zhao, Wei Shen, Hirotaka Toyoda, Masaaki Nagatsu and Yuedong Meng pgs 5386-5393
Xinhui Zhang, Siok Wei Tay, Zhaolin Liu and Liang Hong pgs. 5494-5498
Free vibration analysis of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
H.E.U. Ahmed, R. Banan, J.W. Zu and A. Bazylak 5520-5525
Graft copolymer-based lithium-ion battery for high-temperature operation
Qichao Hu, Sebastian Osswald, Reece Daniel, Yan Zhu, Steven Wesel, Luis Ortiz and Donald R. Sadoway pgs. 5604-5610
An evaluation of the hybrid car technology for the Mexico Mega City
Aron D. Jazcilevich,, Agustin Garcia Reynoso, Michel Grutter, Javier Delgado, Ulises Diego Ayala, Manuel Suarez Lastra, Miriam Zuk, Rogelio Gonzalez Oropeza, Jim Lents and Nicole Davis pgs 5704-5718
Journal of Power Sources Volume 196, Issue 12 (15 June 2011)
Jürgen Remmlinger, Michael Buchholz, Markus Meiler, Peter Bernreuter and Klaus Dietmayer pgs. 5357-5363
Electromobility concept for racing cars based on lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors
B. Frenzel, P. Kurzweil and H. Rönnebeck
Soft Matter, 2011, issue 14
Mathieu Lanniel, Ejaz Huq, Stephanie Allen, Lee Buttery, Philip M. Williams and Morgan R. Alexander
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6501-6514
Effect of polymer–particle interaction on the fracture toughness of silica filled hydrogels
Wei-Chun Lin, Alba Marcellan, Dominique Hourdet and Costantino Creton
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6578-6582
Improvement of elasticity and strength of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels upon copolymerization with cationic surfmers
Tatjana Friedrich, Bernd Tieke, Florian J. Stadler and Christian Bailly
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6590-6597
Journal of Power Sources Volume 196, Issue 11 (1 June 2011)
Ge Zhou, Lea-Der Chen and James P. Seaba pgs. 4923-4933
Xiaoju Wang, Pia Sjöberg-Eerola, Kirsi Immonen, Johan Bobacka and Mikael Bergelin pgs. 4957-4964
Min Hee Park, Yoon Sup Lee, Hochun Lee and Young-Kyu Han pgs. 5109-5114
Modelling the thermal behaviour of a lithium-ion battery during charge
Ui Seong Kim, Jaeshin Yi, Chee Burm Shin, Taeyoung Han and Seongyong Park pgs. 5115-5121
Investigation of battery end-of-life conditions for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Eric Wood, Marcus Alexander and Thomas H. Bradley pgs. 5147-5154
JACS, 2011, 133, 10325-10678
Masahiro Abo, Yasuteru Urano, Kenjiro Hanaoka, Takuya Terai, Toru Komatsu, and Tetsuo Nagano
pp 10629–10637
Anion Conductive Block Poly(arylene ether)s: Synthesis, Properties, and Application in Alkaline Fuel Cells
Manabu Tanaka, Keita Fukasawa, Eriko Nishino, Susumu Yamaguchi, Koji Yamada, Hirohisa Tanaka, Byungchan Bae, Kenji Miyatake, and Masahiro Watanabe
pp 10646–10654
Soft Matter, 2011, issue 13
Stimulus responsive nanogels for drug delivery
Liusheng Zha, Brittany Banik and Frank Alexis
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 5908-5916
Peptide–PNIPAAm conjugate based hydrogels: synthesis and characterisation
Antons Maslovskis, Nicola Tirelli, Alberto Saiani and Aline F. Miller
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6025-6033
How far cardiac cells can see each other mechanically
Xin Tang, Piyush Bajaj, Rashid Bashir and Taher A. Saif
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6151-6158
Physically crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels with magnetic field controlled modulus
Jinkui Wu, Xinglong Gong, Yanceng Fan and Hesheng Xia
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6205-6212
pH sensitive Laponite/alginate hybrid hydrogels: swelling behaviour and release mechanism
Yulin Li, Dina Maciel, Helena Tomás, João Rodrigues, Hui Ma and Xiangyang Shi
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6231-6238
Soft Matter, 2011, issue 12
Rolando Barbucci, Daniela Pasqui, Gabriele Giani, Milena De Cagna, Milena Fini, Roberto Giardino and Andrea Atrei
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 5558-5565
A novel dual-structure, self-healable, polysaccharide based hybrid nanogel for biomedical uses
Li-Jih Lin, Mikael Larsson and Dean-Mo Liu
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 5816-5825
An infrared-light responsive graphene-oxide incorporated poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogel nanocomposite
Chi-Wei Lo, Difeng Zhu and Hongrui Jiang
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 5604-5609