Tuesday, August 16, 2011
ACS Nano, 2011, 5 (7), pp 5345–5353
Andreas Stampfl†*, Melanie Maier†, Roman Radykewicz†, Peter Reitmeir‡, Martin Gttlicher†, and Reinhard Niessner§
†Institute of Toxicology and ‡Institute of Health Economics & Healthcare Management, Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Ingolstdter Landstrasse 1, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany,
Chair of Analytical Chemistry, Technische Universitt Mnchen, Marchioninistrasse, 17, D-81377 Mnchen, Germany
Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (8), pp 3319–3323
Marta Galicka*, Ryszard Buczko, and Perla Kacman
Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotnikow 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (8), pp 3239–3244
Xiaobo Zhang†‡§, Cary L. Pint†‡§, Min Hyung Lee†‡§, Bryan Edward Schubert†, Arash Jamshidi†‡, Kuniharu Takei†‡§, Hyunhyub Ko†‡§, Andrew Gillies†, Rizia Bardhan, Jeffrey J. Urban, Ming Wu†‡, Ronald Fearing†, and Ali Javey*†‡§
†Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and ‡Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, United States
§Materials Sciences Division and The Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, United States
Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (8), pp 3202–3206
Xiaoli Lu*†, Yunseok Kim*†, Silvana Goetze†, Xiaoguang Li‡, Sining Dong‡, Peter Werner†, Marin Alexe†, and Dietrich Hesse†
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, D-06120 Halle (Saale), Germany
Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (8), pp 3489–3492
M. Pilo-Pais†, S. Goldberg†, E. Samano‡§, T. H. LaBean*‡, and G. Finkelstein*†
†Department of Physics, ‡Department of Computer Science, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708
Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnologa, Universidad Nacional Autmona de Mxico, Ensenada, B.C., Mxico
Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (8), pp 3136–3141
Andreas Riedinger†, Manuel Pernia Leal†, Smriti R. Deka†, Chandramohan George†, Isabella R. Franchini†‡, Andrea Falqui†, Roberto Cingolani†, and Teresa Pellegrino*†‡
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via Morego 30, 16163 Genova, Italy
Nanoscience Institute of CNR, National Nanotechnology Laboratory, Via Arnesano, 73100 Lecce, Italy
Ellen L. Batchelder, Gunther Hollopeter, Clément Campillo, Xavier Mezanges, Erik M. Jorgensen, Pierre Nassoy, Pierre Sens, and Julie Plastino
PNAS 2011 108 (28) 11429-11434
Mobility in geometrically confined membranes
Yegor A. Domanov, Sophie Aimon, Gilman E. S. Toombes, Marianne Renner, François Quemeneur, Antoine Triller, Matthew S. Turner, and Patricia Bassereau
PNAS 2011 108 (31) 12605-12610
Combinatorial synthesis of chemically diverse core-shell nanoparticles for intracellular delivery
Daniel J. Siegwart, Kathryn A. Whitehead, Lutz Nuhn, Gaurav Sahay, Hao Cheng, Shan Jiang, Minglin Ma, Abigail Lytton-Jean, Arturo Vegas, Patrick Fenton, Christopher G. Levins, Kevin T. Love, Haeshin Lee, Christina Cortez, Sean P. Collins, Ying Fei Li, Janice Jang, William Querbes, Christopher Zurenko, Tatiana Novobrantseva, Robert Langer,and Daniel G. Anderson
Nature Nanotechnology
Tuomas P. J. Knowles & Markus J. Buehler
Nature Nanotechnology 6, 469–479 (2011)
Cell-surface sensors for real-time probing of cellular environments
Weian Zhao, Sebastian Schafer, Jonghoon Choi, Yvonne J. Yamanaka, Maria L. Lombardi, Suman Bose, Alicia L. Carlson, Joseph A. Phillips, Weisuong Teo, Ilia A. Droujinine, Cheryl H. Cui, Rakesh K. Jain, Jan Lammerding, J. Christopher Love, Charles P. Lin, Debanjan Sarkar, Rohit Karnik & Jeffrey M. Karp
Nature Nanotechnology 6, 524–531 (2011)
Journal of Polymer Science, Part A
Justin M. Delancey, Matthew D. Cavazza, Matthew G. Rendos, Cory J. Ulisse, Susan G. Palumbo, Robert T. Mathers
Volume 49, Issue 17, pages 3719–3727, 1 September 2011
End-functionalization of isotactic polypropylene via consecutive chain transfer reaction to norbornadiene and hydrogen
Jing-Yu Lee, Jing-Cherng Tsai
Volume 49, Issue 17, pages 3739–3750, 1 September 2011
High glass transition and thermally stable polynorbornenes containing fluorescent dipyrene moieties via ring-opening metathesis polymerization
Wei-Ren Lian, Han-Yu Wu, Kun-Li Wang, Der-Jang Liaw1, Kueir-Rarn Lee, Juin-Yih Lai
Volume 49, Issue 17, pages 3673–3680, 1 September 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Journal of Materials Chemistry
Issue 29, Page 10561 to 11012
Temperature-sensitive aliphatic polyesters: synthesis and characterization of γ-substituted caprolactone monomers and polymers - Jing Hao, John Servello, Prakash Sista, Michael C. Biewer and Mihaela C. Stefan; 10623-10628
Synthesis and characterization of highly porous borazine-linked polymers and their performance in hydrogen storage application - Thomas E. Reich, Karl T. Jackson, Sa Li, Puru Jena and Hani M. El-Kaderi; 10629-10632
Nanoimprint patterning of thin cadmium stannate films using a polymeric precursor route - Benjamin Schumm, Philipp Wollmann, Julia Fritsch, Julia Grothe and Stefan Kaskel; 10697-10704
Synergistic effect of hybrid carbon nantube–graphene oxide as a nanofiller in enhancing the mechanical properties of PVA composites - Yuanqing Li, Tianyi Yang, Ting Yu, Lianxi Zheng and Kin Liao; 10844-10851
Issue 30, Page 11013 to 11440
Nanostructured cathode materials: a key for better performance in Li-ion batteries - Ragupathy Pitchai, Velmurugan Thavasi, Subodh G. Mhaisalkar and Seeram Ramakrishna; 11040-11051
Electrical power generator from randomly oriented electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanofibre membranes - Jian Fang, Xungai Wang and Tong Lin; 11088-11091
Facile microencapsulation of HDI for self-healing anticorrosion coatings - Mingxing Huang and Jinglei Yang; 11123-11130
Organic–inorganic nanocomposite bilayers with triple shape memory effect - C. Y. Bae, J. H. Park, E. Y. Kim, Y. S. Kang and B. K. Kim; 11288-11295
Novel anion exchange membranes based on polymerizable imidazolium salt for alkaline fuel cell applications - Wei Li, Jun Fang, Ming Lv, Cuixue Chen, Xianjun Chi, Yixu Yang and Yanmei Zhang; 11340-11346
A polybenzimidazole/sulfonated graphite oxide composite membrane for high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells - Chenxi Xu, Yuancheng Cao, Ravi Kumar, Xu Wu, Xu Wang and Keith Scott; 11359-11364
Flexible polymer solar cells prepared using hard stamps for the direct transfer printing of polymer blends with self-organized interfaces - Fang-Chung Chen, Ming-Kai Chuang, Shang-Chieh Chien, Jheng-Hao Fang and Chih-Wei Chu; 11378-11382
Issue 31, Page 11441 to 11652
Themed issue: Chemical transformations of nanoparticles
Issue 32, Page 11653 to 12152
Nanocomposites based on borate esters as improved lithium-ion electrolytes - N. Kaskhedikar, Y. Karatas, G. Cui, J. Maier and H.-D. Wiemhöfer; 11838-11843
Topochemical synthesis of cobalt oxide nanowire arrays for high performance binderless lithium ion batteries - Cheng Chao Li, Qiu Hong Li, Li Bao Chen and Tai Hong Wang; 11867-11872
A simple, low waste and versatile procedure to make polymer electrochromic devices - Yujie Ding, Michael A. Invernale, Donna M. D. Mamangun, Amrita Kumar and Gregory A. Sotzing; 11873-11878
Preparation of the antifouling microfiltration membranes from poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide) grafted poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) powder - Xuanxuan Yang, Bowu Zhang, Zhongying Liu, Bo Deng, Ming Yu, Linfan Li, Haiqing Jiang and Jingye Li; 11908-11915
Multifunctional porous aramids (aerogels) by efficient reaction of carboxylic acids and isocyanates - Nicholas Leventis, Chakkaravarthy Chidambareswarapattar, Dhairyashil P. Mohite, Zachary J. Larimore, Hongbing Lu and Chariklia Sotiriou-Leventis; 11981-11986
Novel polyaromatic ionomers with large hydrophilic domain and long hydrophobic chain targeting at highly proton conductive and stable membranes - Dongyang Chen, Shuanjin Wang, Min Xiao, Yuezhong Meng and Allan S. Hay; 12068-12077
Issue 33, Page 12153 to 12548
A versatile approach to achieve quintuple-shape memory effect by semi-interpenetrating polymer networks containing broadened glass transition and crystalline segments - Jing Li, Tuo Liu, Shuang Xia, Yi Pan, Zhaohui Zheng, Xiaobin Ding and Yuxing Peng; 12213-12217
Size-selective silver nanoparticles: future of biomedical devices with enhanced bactericidal properties - Virginia Dal Lago, Luciane França de Oliveira, Kaliandra de Almeida Gonçalves, Jörg Kobarg and Mateus Borba Cardoso; 12267-12273
Synthesis and application of poly-SNS-anchored carboxylic acid: a novel functional matrix for biomolecule conjugation - Fulya Ekiz, Funda Oğuzkaya, Mehriban Akin, Suna Timur, Cihangir Tanyeli and Levent Toppare; 12337-12343
Doping Nafion® matrix by p-aramid flakes for a proton transport less reliant on moisture - Bing Guo, Zhaolin Liu and Liang Hong; 12414-12421
Macromolecules Vol 44 Issue 14
Norbornenyl-Based RAFT Agents for the Preparation of Functional Polymers via Thiol–Ene Chemistry
Milan M. StamenoviStructure and Mechanism of Strength Enhancement in Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogels
Dale J. Waters, Kristin Engberg, Rachel Parke-Houben, Christopher N. Ta, Andrew J. Jackson, Michael F. Toney, and Curtis W. FrankPolyelectrolytes in Salt Solutions: Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Jan-Michael Y. Carrillo and Andrey V. DobryninAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 7434 –7437
Templated Monomer: Repetitive ABA Sequence by Double
Yusuke Hibi, Makoto Ouchi,* and Mitsuo Sawamoto*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 7378 –7380
Resolution for Tissue Engineering and Other Applications**
Udi Vermesh, Ophir Vermesh, Jun Wang, Gabriel A. Kwong, Chao Ma, Kiwook Hwang, and
James R. Heath*
Soft Matter, 2011, issue 16
Protease-promoted drug delivery using peptide-functionalized gold nanoparticles
Jianhao Wang, Yanan Yue, Gaojian Chen and Jiang Xia
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 7217-7222
Actuator materials based on graphene oxide/polyacrylamide composite hydrogels prepared by in situ polymerization
Nana Zhang, Ruqiang Li, Lu Zhang, Huabin Chen, Wenchao Wang, Yu Liu, Tao Wu, Xiaodong Wang, Wei Wang, Yi Li, Yan Zhao and Jianping Gao
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 7231-7239
Long-term in situ observation of barnacle growth on soft substrates with different elasticity and wettability
Nafees Ahmed, Takayuki Murosaki, Akira Kakugo, Takayuki Kurokawa, Jian Ping Gong and Yasuyuki Nogata
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 7281-7290
Jiahui Yu, Honglei Fan, Jin Huang and Jinghua Chen
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 7386-7394
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 7325 –7328
Xiaowei Yang, Ling Qiu, Chi Cheng, Yanzhe Wu, Zi-Feng Ma, and Dan Li*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 7070 –7073
Silvie A. Meeuwissen, Kyoung Taek Kim, Yingchao Chen, Darrin J. Pochan, and Jan C. M. van Hest*
Soft Matter, 2011, issue 15
Nonionic surfactant-induced stabilization and tailorability of sugar-amphiphile hydrogels
Lauren E. Buerkle, Ramiro Galleguillos and Stuart J. Rowan
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6984-6990
Liposome-doped hydrogel for implantable tissue
Anil Suri, Rui Campos, Darius G. Rackus, Nicholas J. S. Spiller, Christine Richardson, Lars-Olof Pålsson and Ritu Kataky
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 7071-7077
July 11, 2011 - Volume 12, Issue 7
Pages 2429-2858
Controlled Hydrogel Formation of a Recombinant Spider Silk Protein - Kristin Schacht and Thomas Scheibel; pp 2488–2495
Fine Tuning Micellar Core-Forming Block of Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) Amphiphilic Copolymers Based on Chemical Modification for the Solubilization and Delivery of Doxorubicin - Jinliang Yan, Zhaoyang Ye, Min Chen, Zhanzhan Liu, Yan Xiao, Yan Zhang, Yan Zhou, Wensong Tan, and Meidong Lang; pp 2562–2572
Antifouling Poly(β-peptoid)s - Shaohui Lin, Bo Zhang, Michael J. Skoumal, Brian Ramunno, Xiaopeng Li, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Lingyun Liu, and Li Jia; pp 2573–2582
Catechol-Functionalized Chitosan/Pluronic Hydrogels for Tissue Adhesives and Hemostatic Materials - Ji Hyun Ryu, Yuhan Lee, Won Ho Kong, Taek Gyoung Kim, Tae Gwan Park, and Haeshin Lee; pp 2653–2659
Chemical and Physical Factors in Design of Antibiofouling Polymer Coatings - Inbal Eshet, Viatcheslav Freger, Roni Kasher, Moshe Herzberg, Jing Lei, and Mathias Ulbricht; pp 2681–2685
Synthesis of Folate-Functionalized RAFT Polymers for Targeted siRNA Delivery - Danielle S. W. Benoit, Selvi Srinivasan, Andrew D. Shubin, and Patrick S. Stayton; pp 2708–2714
Biomimetic Hydrogels with Immobilized EphrinA1 for Therapeutic Angiogenesis - Jennifer E. Saik, Daniel J. Gould, Aakash H. Keswani, Mary E. Dickinson, and Jennifer L. West; pp 2715–2722
Self-Assembly and Photo-Cross-Linking of Eight-Armed PEG-PTMC Star Block Copolymers - Sytze J. Buwalda, Laura B. Perez, Sandra Teixeira, Lucia Calucci, Claudia Forte, Jan Feijen, and Pieter J. Dijkstra; pp 2746–2754
Photo-Cross-Linked Biodegradable Poly(Ester Anhydride) Networks Prepared from Alkenylsuccinic Anhydride Functionalized Poly(ε-caprolactone) Precursors - Risto A. Hakala, Harri Korhonen, Ville V. Meretoja, and Jukka V. Seppälä; pp 2806–2814
August 8, 2011 - Volume 12, Issue 8
Pages 2859-3114
Side-Chain Peptide-Synthetic Polymer Conjugates via Tandem “Ester-Amide/Thiol–Ene” Post-Polymerization Modification of Poly(pentafluorophenyl methacrylate) Obtained Using ATRP - Nikhil K. Singha, Matthew I. Gibson, Bishnu P. Koiry, Maarten Danial, and Harm-Anton Klok; pp 2908–2913
Design and Production of a Chimeric Resilin-, Elastin-, and Collagen-Like Engineered Polypeptide - Angelo Bracalello, Valentina Santopietro, Massimo Vassalli, Giovanni Marletta, Rosanna Del Gaudio, Brigida Bochicchio, and Antonietta Pepe; pp 2957–2965
Inherent Charge-Shifting Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Blends: A Facile Route for Tunable Protein Release from Surfaces - Jinkee Hong, Byeong-Su Kim, Kookheon Char, and Paula T. Hammond; pp 2975–2981
Diblock Glycopolymers Promote Colloidal Stability of Polyplexes and Effective pDNA and siRNA Delivery under Physiological Salt and Serum Conditions - Adam E. Smith, Antons Sizovs, Giovanna Grandinetti, Lian Xue, and Theresa M. Reineke; pp 3015–3022
De Novo Designed Protein Transduction Domain Mimics from Simple Synthetic Polymers - A. Özgül Tezgel, Janice C. Telfer, and Gregory N. Tew; pp 3078–3083
Selective Detection of TNT and Picric Acid by Conjugated Polymer Film Sensors with Donor–Acceptor Architecture
Bowei Xu, Xiaofu Wu, Haibo Li, Hui Tong, and Lixiang Wang pgs 5089-5092Universal Two-Step Approach to Degradable and Electroactive Block Copolymers and Networks from Combined Ring-Opening Polymerization and Post-Functionalization via Oxidative Coupling Reactions
Baolin Guo, Anna Finne-Wistrand, and Ann-Christine Albertsson pgs 5227-5236Tailored Nanoparticles for Enhancing Polymer Adhesion
Gregory M. Su, Katherine Best, Thangamani Ranganathan, Todd Emrick, and Alfred J. Crosby pgs 5256-5261Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Photo-Cross-linked Shape-Memory Elastomers
Jiahui Li, Christopher L. Lewis, Darcy L. Chen, and Mitchell Anthamatten pgs 5336-5343End-Linked Poly[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl Methacrylate]–Poly(methacrylic acid) Polyampholyte Conetworks: Synthesis by Sequential RAFT Polymerization and Swelling and SANS Characterization
Kyriaki S. Pafiti, Zelina Philippou, Elena Loizou, Lionel Porcar, and Costas S. Patrickios pgs 5352-5362Segmental Dynamics and Ion Association in PEO-Based Single Ion Conductors
Kokonad Sinha and Janna K. Maranas pgs 5381-5391Influence of Cation Type on Structure and Dynamics in Sulfonated Polystyrene Ionomers
Alicia M. Castagna, Wenqin Wang, Karen I. Winey, and James Runt pgs 5420-5426Confinement Effects on Chain Entanglement in Free-Standing Polystyrene Ultrathin Films
Jeremy M. Rathfon, Robert W. Cohn, Alfred J. Crosby, Jonathan P. Rothstein, and Gregory N. Tew pgs 5436-5442Nature Materials
August 2011, Volume 10 No 8 pp553-644
Review: Thermal properties of graphene and nanostructured carbon materials - pp569 – 581, Alexander A. Balandin
Kinetics of non-equilibrium lithium incorporation in LiFePO4 - pp587 – 590, Rahul Malik, Fei Zhou & G. Ceder
Maltodextrin-based imaging probes detect bacteria in vivo with high sensitivity and specificity - pp602 – 607, Xinghai Ning, Seungjun Lee, Zhirui Wang, Dongin Kim, Bryan Stubblefield, Eric Gilbert & Niren Murthy
Hybrid elastic solids - pp620 – 624, Yun Lai, Ying Wu, Ping Sheng & Zhao-Qing Zhang
Nanoscale surfaces for the long-term maintenance of mesenchymal stem cell phenotype and multipotency - pp637 – 644, Rebecca J. McMurray, Nikolaj Gadegaard, P. Monica Tsimbouri, Karl V. Burgess, Laura E. McNamara, Rahul Tare, Kate Murawski, Emmajayne Kingham, Richard O. C. Oreffo & Matthew J. Dalby
Journal of Power Sources Vol 196 Issue 16
July 25, 2011
Volume 12, Issue 11Rob M. J. Liskamp,* Dirk T. S. Rijkers, John A. W. Kruijtzer, and Johan Kemmink; pp. 1626 – 1653
Organic Letters
Thermomorphic Polyethylene-Supported Olefin Metathesis Catalysts
Christopher Hobbs, Yun-Chin Yang, Johnny Ling, Sally Nicola, Haw-Lih Su, Hassan S. Bazzi, and David E. Bergbreiter; pp 3904–3907Accelerated Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization of a Secondary Amide of 1-Cyclobutene by Hydrogen-Bonding Interaction
Kil Sun Lee and Tae-Lim Choi; pp 3908–3911Journal of Organic Chemistry
β-Cyclodextrin-Based Polycationic Amphiphilic “Click” Clusters: Effect of Structural Modifications in Their DNA Complexing and Delivery Properties
Alejandro MAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 7065 –7069
Haibo Wang, Qing Zhang, Xia Chu,* Tingting Chen, Jia Ge, and Ruqin Yu
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 7027 –7031
Jinjun Shi, Zeyu Xiao, Alexander R. Votruba, Cristian Vilos, and Omid C. Farokhzad*
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Vol. 54 Issue 15 August 2011
Antimalarial Activity of Natural and Synthetic Prodiginines
Kancharla Papireddy, Martin Smilkstein, Jane Xu Kelly, Shweta, Shaimaa M. Salem, Mamoun Alhamadsheh, Stuart W. Haynes, Gregory L. Challis, and Kevin A. Reynolds
Virginia Lozano, Leire Aguado, Bart Hoorelbeke, Marleen Renders, Maria-Jose, Camarasa, Dominique Schols, Jan Balzarini, Ana San-Felix, and Maria-Jesus Perez-Perez
Tamas Kalai, M. Lakshmi Kuppusamy, Maria Balog, Karuppaiyah Selvendiran, Brian K. Rivera, Periannan Kuppusamy, and Kalman Hideg
Novel Benzoxazine and Benzothiazine Derivatives as Multifunctional Antihyperlipidemic Agents
Alexios N. Matralis, Maria G. Katselou, Anastasios Nikitakis, and Angeliki P. Kourounakis
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6828 –6830
Axel Schlossbauer, Christian Dohmen, David Schaffert, Ernst Wagner, and Thomas Bein*
Nature Chemistry Volume 3 No 8 August 2011
Exploring and exploiting chemistry at the cell surface -pp582 - 589
Morgan D. Mager, Vanessa LaPointe & Molly M. Stevens
Ekambaram Balaraman, Chidambaram Gunanathan, Jing Zhang, Linda J. W. Shimon & David Milstein
Efficient enzyme-free copying of all four nucleobases templated by immobilized RNA –pp 603 - 608
Christopher Deck, Mario Jauker & Clemens Richert
Programmable molecular recognition based on the geometry of DNA nanostructures pp620 - 627
Sungwook Woo & Paul W. K. Rothemund
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Volume 55 No 8 August 2011
Ecology and Evolution as Targets: the Need for Novel Eco-Evo Drugs and Strategies To Fight Antibiotic Resistance
Fernando Baquero, Teresa M. Coque, and Fernando de la Cruz
Novel Pentadecenyl Tetrazole Enhances Susceptibility of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms to Gentamicin
Krista M. Olson, Courtney M. Starks, Russell B. Williams, Mark O'Neil-Johnson, Zhongping Huang, Michael Ellis, John E. Reilly, and Gary R. Eldridge
Antimicrobial Properties of MX-2401, an Expanded-Spectrum Lipopeptide Active in the Presence of Lung Surfactant
Dominique Dugourd, Haiyan Yang, Melissa Elliott, Raymond Siu, Jacob J. Clement, Suzana K. Straus, Robert E. W. Hancock, and Evelina Rubinchik
Antiplasmodial Properties of Acyl-Lysyl Oligomers in Culture and Animal Models of Malaria
Fadia Zaknoon, Sharon Wein, Miriam Krugliak, Ohad Meir, Shahar Rotem, Hagai Ginsburg, Henri Vial, and Amram Mor
Synergistic Drug Combinations for Tuberculosis Therapy Identified by a Novel High-Throughput Screen
Santiago Ramón-García, Carol Ng, Hilary Anderson, Joseph D. Chao, Xingji Zheng, Tom Pfeifer, Yossef Av-Gay, Michel Roberge, and Charles J. Thompson
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Bioconjugate Chemistry, Volume 22, Issue 7, Pages 1257-1458
Synthesis, In Vitro Evaluation, and In Vivo Metabolism of Fluor/Quencher Compounds Containing IRDye 800CW and Black Hole Quencher-3 (BHQ-3)
Karen E. Linder, Edmund Metcalfe, Palaniappa Nanjappan, Thangavel Arunachalam, Kimberly Ramos, Tina Marie Skedzielewski, Edmund R. Marinelli, Michael F. Tweedle, Adrian D. Nunn, and Rolf E. Swenson
Bioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (7), pp 1287–1297Suitable Labels for Molecular Imaging – Influence of Dye Structure and Hydrophilicity on the Spectroscopic Properties of IgG Conjugates
Luminescent Trimethoprim–Polyaminocarboxylate Lanthanide Complex Conjugates for Selective Protein Labeling and Time-Resolved Bioassays
Bioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (7), pp 1402–1409
Design of Acid-Activated Cell Penetrating Peptide for Delivery of Active Molecules into Cancer Cells
Bioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (7), pp 1410–1415
Long-Wavelength Absorbing and Fluorescent Chameleon Labels for Proteins, Peptides, and Amines
Bioconjugate Chem., 2011, 22 (7), pp 1433–1437
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Volume 63, Issue 8, Pages 555-698
Extravasation of polymeric nanomedicines across tumor vasculature
Michael K. Danquah, Xin A. Zhang, Ram I. Mahato
Volume 63, Issue 8, 18 July 2011, Pages 623-639
Prodrugs for improving tumor targetability and efficiency
Rubi Mahato, Wanyi Tai, Kun Cheng
Volume 63, Issue 8, 18 July 2011, Pages 659-670
Viral delivery for gene therapy against cell movement in cancer
Te-Lang Wu, Dongming Zhou
Volume 63, Issue 8, 18 July 2011, Pages 671-677
Myocardial regeneration: Roles of stem cells and hydrogels
Zhaoyang Ye, Yan Zhou, Haibo Cai, Wensong Tan
Volume 63, Issue 8, 18 July 2011, Pages 688-697
Accounts of Chemical Research; volume 44, issue 7
-Mallikarjuna N. Nadagouda, Thomas F. Speth, Rajender S. Varma; pg 469-478
Functional Micro/Nanostructures: Simple Synthesis and Application in Sensors, Fuel Cells, and Gene Delivery
-Shaojun Guo, Erkang Wang; pg 491-500
Multidentate Adsorbates for Self-Assembled Monolayer Films
-Pawilai Chinwangso, Andrew C. Jamison, T. Randall Lee; pg 511-519
New Journal of Chemistry; vol. 35, issue 8
-Oliver Plietzsch, Christine I. Schiling, Tobias Grab, Stephan L. Grage, Anne S. Ulrich, Angiolina Comotti, Piero Sozzani, Thierry Muller, and Stefan Brase; pg 1577-1587
Photophysical and photochemical behavior of electrospun fibers of a polyurethane polymer chemically linked to lutetium carboxyphenoxy phthalocyanine
-Ruphino Zugle, Christian Litwinski, Nelson Torto, Tebello Nyokong; pg 1588-1595
Dialkoxy functionalized quaternary ammonium ionic liquids as potentail electrolytes and cellulose solvents
-Zhengjian Chen, Shimin Liu, Zuopeng Li, Qinghua Zhang, Youquan Deng; pg 1596-1606
Antioxidant and anticancer activities of supramolecularly controlled magnetostructural halo-oximes of lawsone
-Santosh B. Zaware, Rajesh G. Gonnade, Darbha Srinivas, Ayesha Khan, Sandhya Y. Rane; pg 1615-1623
Controlling shape and dimensions of pores in organic-inorganic films: nanocubes and nanospheres
-Plinio Innocenzi, Luca Malfatti, Daniela Marongiu, Maria Casula; pg 1624-1629
A quick and green approach to prepare [Rmim]OH and its application in hydrophilic ionic liquid synthesis
-Jian Gao, Jianguo Liu, Bo Li, Wenming Liu, Yun Xie, Yuchen Xin, Ying Yin, Xiao Jie, Jun Gu, Zhigang Zou; pg 1661-1666
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Macrmolecular Rapid Communications; vol. 32, issue 16
-ChooJin Park, Dong Choon Hyun, Min-Cheol Lim, Su-Jeong Kim, Young-Rok Kim, Hyun-Jong Paik, Unyong Jeong; pg 1247-1252
Self-healing in Nanocomposite Hydrogels
-Kazutoshi Haraguchi, Kazuhisa Uyama, Hisashi Tanimoto; pg 1253-1258
Patterned Hydrophilization of Nanoporous 1,2-PB by Thiol-ene Photochemistry
-Anton Berthold, Kaushal Sagar, Sokol Ndoni; pg 1259-1263
Thermoreversibly Crosslinked Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) as Recyclable Shape-Memory Polymer Network
-Thomas Defize, Raphael Riva, Jean-Marie Raquez, Philippe Dubois, Christine Jerome, Michael Alexandre; pg 1264-1269
Amphiphilic Block Copolymers from a Direct and One-pot RAFT Synthesis in Water
-Isabell Chaduc, Wenjing Zhang, Jutta Rieger, Muriel Lansalot, Franck D'Agosto, Bernadette Charleux; pg 1270-1276
Macromolecular Rapid Communications; vol. 32, issue 15
-Peter J. Roth, Cyrille Boyer, Andrew B. Lowe, Thomas P. Davis*; pg 1123-1143
Diversified Applications of Chemically Modified 1,2-Polybutadiene
-Jiayin Yuan,* Niels ten Brummelhuis, Mathias Junginger, Zailai Xie, Yan Lu, Andreas Taubert, Helmut Schlaad; pg 1157-1162
Spiropyran-Based Polymeric Vesicles: Preparation and Photochromic Properties
-Chuan-Qun Huang, Ying Wang, Chun-Yan Hong, Cai-Yuan Pan; pg 1174-1179
Step-Growth Radical Addition-Coupling Polymerization (RACP) for Synthesis of Alternating Copolymers
-Chengyu Zhang, Qi Wang; pg 1180-1184
Thermosensitivity of Bile Acid-Based Oligo(ethylene glycol) Stars in Aqueous Solutions
-Satu Strandman, Frantz Le Devedec, X. X. Zhu; pg 1185-1189