Inducing α-Helices in Short Oligopeptides through Binding by an Artificial Hydrophobic Cavity
Christel Dolain, Yoshiyuki Hatakeyama, Tomohisa Sawada, Shohei Tashiro and Makoto Fujita
pp 5564–5565Membrane Lipids Influence Protein Complex Assembly−Disassembly
Leah Shin, Won Jin Cho, Jeremy D. Cook, Timothy L. Stemmler and Bhanu P. Jena
pp 5596–5597Ionic Liquids: Nondestructive, Nonvolatile Imaging Fluids for Submicrometer-Scale Monolayer Patterns
Atsushi Hozumi, Pei Bien and Thomas J. McCarthy
pp 5602–5603Visualization of Polymer Chain Conformations in Amorphous Polyisocyanide Langmuir−Blodgett Films by Atomic Force Microscopy
Jiro Kumaki, Takashi Kajitani, Kanji Nagai, Kento Okoshi and Eiji Yashima
pp 5604–5606Design of an Encodable Tyrosine Kinase-Inducible Domain: Detection of Tyrosine Kinase Activity by Terbium Luminescence
Susan Carr Zondlo, Feng Gao and Neal J. Zondlo
pp 5619–5621Imaging Structure Sensitive Catalysis on Different Shape-Controlled Platinum Nanoparticles
Carlos M. S
nchez, Jos
n, Francisco J. Vidal-Iglesias, Antonio Aldaz, Vicente Montiel and Enrique Herrero
pp 5622–56241H NMR, Mechanism, and Mononuclear Oxidative Activity of the Antibiotic Metallopeptide Bacitracin: The Role of d-Glu-4, Interaction with Pyrophosphate Moiety, DNA Binding and Cleavage, and Bioactivity
William M. Tay, Jon D. Epperson, Giordano F. Z. da Silva and Li-June Ming
pp 5652–5661How Active-Site Protonation State Influences the Reactivity and Ligation of the Heme in Chlorite Dismutase
Bennett R. Streit, B
atrice Blanc, Gudrun S. Lukat-Rodgers, Kenton R. Rodgers and Jennifer L. DuBois
pp 5711–5724What the Cell “Sees” in Bionanoscience
Dorota Walczyk, Francesca Baldelli Bombelli, Marco P. Monopoli, Iseult Lynch and Kenneth A. Dawson
pp 5761–5768A Palette of Fluorescent Probes with Varying Emission Colors for Imaging Hydrogen Peroxide Signaling in Living Cells
Bryan C. Dickinson, Calvin Huynh and Christopher J. Chang
pp 5906–5915
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