Amy V. Walker
pp 13778–13785(Invited Feature Article)
Can Simple Salts Influence Self-Assembly in Oil? Multivalent Cations as Efficient Gelators of Lecithin Organosols
Hee-Young Lee, Kevin K. Diehn, Seung Won Ko, Shih-Huang Tung and Srinivasa R. Raghavan
pp 13831–13838Cobalt Nanoparticle Langmuir−Schaefer Films on Ethylene Glycol Subphase
Elina Pohjalainen, Maija Pohjakallio, Christoffer Johans, Ky
sti Kontturi, Jaakko V. I. Timonen, Olli Ikkala, Robin H. A. Ras, Tapani Viitala, Markku T. Heino and Eira T. Sepp
pp 13937–13943Producing High-Density High-Molecular-Weight Polymer Brushes by a “Grafting to” Method from a Concentrated Homopolymer Solution
Warren Taylor and Richard A. L. Jones
pp 13954–13958Protein Adsorption onto Polyelectrolyte Layers: Effects of Protein Hydrophobicity and Charge Anisotropy
Rubens A. Silva, Marcela D. Urz
a, Denise F. S. Petri and Paul L. Dubin
pp 14032–14038Permeabilization of Lipid Membranes and Cells by a Light-Responsive Copolymer
Sarra C. Sebai, Sophie Cribier, Ali Karimi, Dominique Massotte and Christophe Tribet
pp 14135–14141Surface Functional Polymers by Post-Polymerization Modification using Diarylcarbenes: Introduction, Release and Regeneration of Hydrogen Peroxide and Bactericidal Activity
Jon-Paul Griffiths, Bushra Maliha, Mark G. Moloney and Amber L. Thompson, Ishtiaq Hussain
pp 14142–14153
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