Takeshi Sunami, Filippo Caschera, Yuuki Morita, Taro Toyota, Kazuya Nishimura, Tomoaki Matsuura, Hiroaki Suzuki, Martin M. Hanczyc, and Tetsuya Yomo
Electrostatic Stabilization of Charged Colloidal Particles with Adsorbed Polyelectrolytes of Opposite Charge
Hierrezuelo, Amin Sadeghpour, Istvan Szilagyi, Andrea Vaccaro, and Michal Borkovec
pp 15109–15111Comparison of Adsorption of Mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane on Amphiphilic TiO2 and Hydroxylated SiO2
J. Zuo and E. Torres
pp 15161–15168Comparing Contact Angle Measurements and Surface Tension Assessments of Solid Surfaces
Dory Cwikel, Qi Zhao, Chen Liu, Xueju Su, and Abraham Marmur
pp 15289–15294Controlled Assembly of Silane-Based Polymers: Chemically Robust Thin-Films
Aruna Velamakanni, Jahn R. Torres, K.J. Ganesh, Paulo J. Ferreira, and Jaycoda S. Major
pp 15295–15301Modification of Surface Wettability through Adsorption of Partly Fluorinated Statistical and Block Polyelectrolytes from Aqueous Medium
Leena Nurmi, Katri Kontturi, Nikolay Houbenov, Janne Laine, Janne Ruokolainen, and Jukka Sepp
pp 15325–15332One-Pot Preparation of Ferrocene-Functionalized Polymer Brushes on Gold Substrates by Combined Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and “Click Chemistry”
Li Qun Xu, Dong Wan, Huifen Flora Gong, Koon-Gee Neoh, En-Tang Kang, and Guo Dong Fu
pp 15376–15382Comprehensive Characterization of Grafted Expanded Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) for Medical Applications
Adrienne F. Chandler-Temple, Edeline Wentrup-Byrne, Hans J. Griesser, Marek Jasieniak, Andrew K. Whittaker, and Lisbeth Grøndahl
pp 15409–15417Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP): Hapten Design and Development of Antibodies
Maria Astrid Walter, Dietmar Pfeifer, Werner Kraus, Franziska Emmerling, Rudolf J. Schneider, Ulrich Panne, and Michael G. Weller
pp 15418–15423Localized Cell Uptake of His-Tagged Polyplexes Immobilized on NTA Self-Assembled Monolayers
Chung-Huei K. Wang, Shaoyi Jiang, and Suzie H. Pun
pp 15445–15452Interaction of n-Octyl β,d-Glucopyranoside with Giant Magnetic-Fluid-Loaded Phosphatidylcholine Vesicles: Direct Visualization of Membrane Curvature Fluctuations As a Function of Surfactant Partitioning between Water and Lipid Bilayer
Christine M
nager, Dihya Guemghar, Val
rie Cabuil, and Sylviane Lesieur
pp 15453–15463Superhydrophilic Surfaces via Polymer−SiO2 Nanocomposites
Hongchen Dong, Penglin Ye, Mingjiang Zhong, Joanna Pietrasik, Ray Drumright, and Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
pp 15567–15573Mechanically Robust, Rapidly Actuating, and Biologically Functionalized Macroporous Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/Silk Hybrid Hydrogels
Eun Seok Gil, Sang-Hyug Park, Lee W. Tien, Barry Trimmer, Samuel M. Hudson, and David L. Kaplan
pp 15614–15624
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