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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Macromolecular Rapid Communications; vol. 32, issue 15

RAFT Polymerization and Thiol Chemistry: A Complementary Pairing for Implementing Modern Macromolecular Design
-Peter J. Roth, Cyrille Boyer, Andrew B. Lowe, Thomas P. Davis*; pg 1123-1143

Diversified Applications of Chemically Modified 1,2-Polybutadiene
-Jiayin Yuan,* Niels ten Brummelhuis, Mathias Junginger, Zailai Xie, Yan Lu, Andreas Taubert, Helmut Schlaad; pg 1157-1162

Spiropyran-Based Polymeric Vesicles: Preparation and Photochromic Properties
-Chuan-Qun Huang, Ying Wang, Chun-Yan Hong, Cai-Yuan Pan; pg 1174-1179

Step-Growth Radical Addition-Coupling Polymerization (RACP) for Synthesis of Alternating Copolymers
-Chengyu Zhang, Qi Wang; pg 1180-1184

Thermosensitivity of Bile Acid-Based Oligo(ethylene glycol) Stars in Aqueous Solutions
-Satu Strandman, Frantz Le Devedec, X. X. Zhu; pg 1185-1189

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